Many question whether these terms have any real meaning in general. Do they work as applied to particular scents? I wanted to float the names of certain specific scents and see if folks had particular thoughts on them as to whether masculine, feminine, uni-sex, or favoring one or the other without being exclusively in one category, and in this way exlpore the overall concept. My impression is that the various houses seem to have divergent ideas as to what is feminine and what is masculine!
Clearly this is an area where YMMV and I want to encourage having fun with this one, as well as exploring what the heck this feminine and masculine business may mean as to scents for individual members. Is there any thread that ties together what is a masculine and a feminine scent for individual members? Is the a scent that is the perfect exemplar for a unisex scent?
If others want to explore other scents in this way, perhaps a new thread should be started for them, or not, I am not sure. I serve not command the B&B membership. In particular there any scents that seem particularly hard to figure out in this regard either on or not on this list? Actually, I have intentionally tried to make the list below difficult! Is there a scent that seems particularly masculine or feminine that nevertheless you would like you significant other of the gender opposite to what the scents seems like, to wear?
So what do folks think of these scents below masculine/feminine-wise and why exactly? I hold back my own thoughts to encourage others, although I may chime in from time to time as we go along, if we manage to go along for very long! (Sorry if these are too obscure or too high end. I choose them in part because they are ones that many B&B members seem to have often sampled.) Following each name is my understanding of how the scent house seems to designate the scent. (I could not actually find a current Pen's decription of masculine or feminine, so Pen's is from my memory of what I have read or seen in the past. I assume basenotes is getting its desginations from the companies. C&S is rather subtle.)
Penhaligon "Elixir" (Pen's seems to say masculine as does basenotes, but Perfumed Court in the past said feminine and now says unisex)
Czech & Speake "Oxford & Cambridge" (C&S/basenotes says unisex)
Penhaligon "Castile" (Pen's/basenotes say masculline)
Penhaligon "English Fern" (Pen's/basenotes says unisex)
Czech & Speake "88" (C&S/basenotes says unisex)
sandlewoods in general (but MPG Santal Noble in particular if enough folks have tried it who want to speak up can voice an opinion)
Clearly this is an area where YMMV and I want to encourage having fun with this one, as well as exploring what the heck this feminine and masculine business may mean as to scents for individual members. Is there any thread that ties together what is a masculine and a feminine scent for individual members? Is the a scent that is the perfect exemplar for a unisex scent?
If others want to explore other scents in this way, perhaps a new thread should be started for them, or not, I am not sure. I serve not command the B&B membership. In particular there any scents that seem particularly hard to figure out in this regard either on or not on this list? Actually, I have intentionally tried to make the list below difficult! Is there a scent that seems particularly masculine or feminine that nevertheless you would like you significant other of the gender opposite to what the scents seems like, to wear?
So what do folks think of these scents below masculine/feminine-wise and why exactly? I hold back my own thoughts to encourage others, although I may chime in from time to time as we go along, if we manage to go along for very long! (Sorry if these are too obscure or too high end. I choose them in part because they are ones that many B&B members seem to have often sampled.) Following each name is my understanding of how the scent house seems to designate the scent. (I could not actually find a current Pen's decription of masculine or feminine, so Pen's is from my memory of what I have read or seen in the past. I assume basenotes is getting its desginations from the companies. C&S is rather subtle.)
Penhaligon "Elixir" (Pen's seems to say masculine as does basenotes, but Perfumed Court in the past said feminine and now says unisex)
Czech & Speake "Oxford & Cambridge" (C&S/basenotes says unisex)
Penhaligon "Castile" (Pen's/basenotes say masculline)
Penhaligon "English Fern" (Pen's/basenotes says unisex)
Czech & Speake "88" (C&S/basenotes says unisex)
sandlewoods in general (but MPG Santal Noble in particular if enough folks have tried it who want to speak up can voice an opinion)