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Mama Bear's Spicey[sic] Lime: First Impressions

Well I have to say, wasn't too impressed with the performance of this one. Really suffered from vanishing lather syndrome. Shame, too, because I REALLY like the smell.
What I did was soak my brush in warm water, load on the soap for about 45 seconds, then try to build lather. It was really foamy and disappeared shortly after I applied it to my face. There wasn't much slickness or cushion either, so I got some razor burn as a result. I had to switch to my RR to finish shaving today. I'll try again using some water to soften the puck next time and see if that improves it any.
Definitely give it another chance. Mama Bears are great soaps and lather very well. Try using more than you think you need with a well-shaken brush. Add water by a few drops at a time.
Really work the puck. Haven't had any problems with MB, but as with most glycerin soaps, you just got to load it
I tried and tried with MB, but I never could get it to work. I learned that I'm simply not a fan of melt and pour soaps. You may just be one of those people.
Water to soften the puck won't help much with a glycerin soap. I'd agree with most people, sounds like you need to load more and/or adjust technique a bit. I like to start very dry with glycerin soaps and only add water towards the end of the lathering process, and then not too much. Glycerin soaps have higher water/othernonsoapstuff content than traditional soaps and so use less water in the lathering process. I haven't used a MB soap recently, but I have a few other soaps that I believe use the same or extremely similar bases, and they work just fine once you dial them in.

Also I'd recommend face lathering. I prefer it (or palm lathering) to bowl lathering with all soaps, but especially with glycerins that I've never been satisfied with the bowl lathering results with. When I started out with VDH and Kell's (Another glycerin) I always lathered ON the puck because I hadn't tried face lathering yet and bowl lathering off the puck with my poor technique back then didn't give me lather I would use.
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