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Mama Bears Soaps,which is your favorite?

I have been reading some great reviews about MBS and i am looking to purchase some soaps. Here is the problem,there are too many to choose from. So i am asking for everyones input. And my decision will be based on majority rules theory. I have never received any bad advice from the brotherhood before on B&B so why stop here?

The answer, my man, is samples. Although if I were to predict the most recommended flavor on this thread, I'd say it would be Ye Olde Barbershoppe. :biggrin:
If you want tropical; Coconut Lemongrass. Ye Olde Barbershop and Aged Spice get rave reviews as do the mentholated soaps. Good soaps.
Here you go friendo.

I didn't know Mama offered these until this thread. I thought she only offered the 1 oz pucks one scent at a time. Thanks again B&B!

Oh and as for my favorite scent, I can only say "Cannabis" because it is the only one I've tried. I thought it was stinky at first but between the great shaves it gives I got accustomed to it and actually like it now. I still think Mama should have gone with "Dried Bud" which was really what I was expecting.
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i only have two of her soaps so far one is the awaking ans there was just recently the czar fall soap, made just for use members so i picked that up
Sue's Hydrogen, Magnetism, and Spellbound Woods are my favorites. Summer time scents that I like are: Polynesian Red, Pure Neroli EO, and Essence of Bamboo (which I don't think is available).

My all-time favorite, though, is no longer made: Tuscan Memories. The few that I have will have to last me. Just a really nice, subtle scent that really did remind me of my vacations in the Tuscan Hills.
Ye olde Barbershoppe is magnificent and a save choice.
Rosemary Mint is a great combination, also highly recommended.

Hinoki wood is underrated, IMHO.
Still, a fantastic scent.
Don't get the creme brule because you'll want to take a bite into it. Damn, it smells just like the stuff. :drool:
I currently have Clear Skies, Spicey Lime, Orange Orange, Aged Spice, and Dublin Tweed. All are superb, but if forced to choose a favorite, I'd probably go with Aged Spice, with Spicey Lime a close second. The others follow very very closely, and any one of them could be my favorite at any given time.


B&B membership has its percs
Sue's Hydrogen, Magnetism, and Spellbound Woods are my favorites. Summer time scents that I like are: Polynesian Red, Pure Neroli EO, and Essence of Bamboo (which I don't think is available).

My all-time favorite, though, is no longer made: Tuscan Memories. The few that I have will have to last me. Just a really nice, subtle scent that really did remind me of my vacations in the Tuscan Hills.

Oh no, Tuscan Memories was very nice, up there with my favorites Orange Orange, Cabin in the Woods, Aged Spice, the Halloween Special, Dragon's Blood, Green Irish Tweed, Awakenings, Polynesian Red ..

Sue if you are reading this why did you stop the Tuscan Memories?
I have 2 of her EO soaps:

Orange Orange

I can't decide which is my favorite. They both smell great.

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