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Mama Bear's Cannabis Soap

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Anybody try it yet? Does it smell like the real thing?

(Not that you'd actually, like, know or anything. Still. Just sayin. :001_rolle)
I'm anxious to try it too, I heard it was good as more than just a novelty scent and actually quite nice.
I'm interested, too. What I wonder is what strain of cannabis it smells like. Cannabis can range from almost scentless to fruity to piney to skunky and everything else in between.

Hey, I'm not gonna lie; I'm interested because I'm certainly aware of what it smells like because I used to smoke a ton of the stuff :lol: I love the smell of some of it. Here's hoping it's a nice piney scent :thumbup1:
I'm interested, too. What I wonder is what strain of cannabis it smells like. Cannabis can range from almost scentless to fruity to piney to skunky and everything else in between.

Hey, I'm not gonna lie; I'm interested because I'm certainly aware of what it smells like because I used to smoke a ton of the stuff :lol: I love the smell of some of it. Here's hoping it's a nice piney scent :thumbup1:

I have no issue saying that I smoke marijuana, even if it's just a "generic" cannabis smell I think it could be quite nice in a soap. I'll probably have to bite the bullet and order some tomorrow, I'll be sure to keep you guys posted.
I can just see getting pulled over by the police for some traffic violation after just shaving with this. "No, really officer! I shaved with it, I didn't smoke it!" :lol: :lol:
I can just see getting pulled over by the police for some traffic violation after just shaving with this. "No, really officer! I shaved with it, I didn't smoke it!" :lol: :lol:

"My license? Eh, isn't it back there on the bumper, man?" :001_smile
I can just see getting pulled over by the police for some traffic violation after just shaving with this. "No, really officer! I shaved with it, I didn't smoke it!" :lol: :lol:

Luckily marijuana is decriminalized in Ohio, but it's the paraphernalia they get ya' for. So, if you're going to use this soap, just don't get caught carrying the razor or brush afterword! :lol:
How long has this soap been on the market? This is the first time I've heard about it. I can't even seem to find it on her site :blushing: Hopefully in keeping with the key note they'll also contain hemp oil?
Why would anyone care to buy a cannabis-scented soap? As someone else stated, the scent of weed is highly-variable: anywhere from lawn clippings to skunky, so I cannot imagine any single scent. I have a bottle of Fresh "Cannabis Santal", which claims to have an ingredient called "cannabis accord". Interestingly enough, it smells nothing like any weed I've encountered.
Hopefully there will be an EdT, too! Nothing like showing up to work (or anywhere for that matter) smelling like your pockets are lined with dime-bags...
I've tried it. Just sent the rest of my puck out to somebody that bought it on the B/S/T. As I've stated on the site a few times, the soap smells more like a live cannabis plant than any dried marijuana that I have smelled. I think MB even said that she had the choice of this or the "Dried Bud" oils for the scent and she chose this. The scent was almost citrus-y with herbal undertones. It's a pretty overpowering scent at first, but as the soap got to breath a little it lightened and I started to like it quite a bit. If you're on the fence about getting it, just go for it. It's only like $11 shipped out, and if you find you don't like it there is always the B/S/T!
How long has this soap been on the market? This is the first time I've heard about it. I can't even seem to find it on her site :blushing: Hopefully in keeping with the key note they'll also contain hemp oil?

Man, I was going to provide a link but it seems that the soap is no longer available. When I click on it at Sue's website, it says "sorry, the product was not found". Lame!
Hopefully there will be an EdT, too! Nothing like showing up to work (or anywhere for that matter) smelling like your pockets are lined with dime-bags...

Back in high school we could buy a gram for $10, though 1/8's were a better deal...I guess that does date me...

Dude...dime bags?? You're dating yourself.... :tongue_sm

"I remeber when a dime bag was $10!" Do you know what movie that line was from?

I am waiting on the 4th round of fragrance oils to get here.. I went thru that first batch and want to keep them, but I want them to smell right.. so far none of them have been right to me.. and yes, it's been a long time since I have actually smelled it.. but when I get the right fragrance in.. I will know it. and I remember when a lid was $15 and an ounce was $20.. talk about dating yourself.. lol
I am waiting on the 4th round of fragrance oils to get here.. I went thru that first batch and want to keep them, but I want them to smell right.. so far none of them have been right to me..

Well, fwiw if you decide to go for the "dried bud" FO I'll definitely buy a bowl tub!

and I remember when a lid was $15 and an ounce was $20.. talk about dating yourself.. lol

Damn. An oz. was $40 when I was in high school. And I thought I was dating myself! :blink::tongue_sm
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