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Making your own shaving soap

First off, this is my first time posting on B&B, I have done quite a bit of lurking though. I have been wetshaving (with a double edge safety razor) for a few months now and love it! I have all my life been intrigued with making my own products to use for just about everything. I just love to make things especially from scratch.I have been wanting to make my own shaving soap for a little while and I am having problems finding recipes or instructions. You see, I don't want to make a shaving foam/cream, I want to make an actual bar of shaving soap. I can't find hardly any info that pertains to said subject, and really don't know where to begin.Essentially, I want to use some lavender that I am growing in the garden as a scent to the soap, if that is even possible (I may need to make it into an essential oil, which I lack the equipment for). ANYHOW, before I rant a lot (and I can), does anyone have any tips, advice, links, ideas, scrutiny, etc. etc. that pertain to my plans? Anyone have any experience with making their own soaps?All tips and advice are greatly appreciated!
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Awesome! Much thanks for the link and the welcome. I should probably have searched through some threads before I asked, but I appreciate the polite response. If I do end up making a batch I will be sure to post my steps and how it went on here! Edit: dumb question, how do I make a new line of text on this board? In other words, usually when I hit enter I can move down in the text box and start a new line, how do I do so on here?
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