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Macduff’s Monthly Blade Review: Rockwell Razors

So i'm back with another monthly review! As before, each blade will be reviewed based on a 2 pass (plus touch up) shave using a Van Der Hagen long handled razor, Van Der Hagen Luxury shave soap and a generic Fento badger brush. I run through 2 of each blade and use each 4 times; for a total of 8 shaves per brand. I'll be grading based on sharpness, smoothness, longevity and consistency. Price will be a factor but only if it's very cheap or expensive since most DE blades are pretty cheap comparatively.

Up this month: Rockwell Razors (Swedish Super Steel Razor Blade.) This blade is the namesake of the Rockwell Razor company and they tout that “The pure stainless steel that forms these blades protects them against rust, while the specialized treatment that crafts these blades ensures the blades retain their exceptional sharpness.”

What that specialized treatement is i couldn’t tell you, but i didn’t notice any discernable coating (like wax or ptfe). Like the name says, they’re “Swedish Steel” but it does not list where the blade is actually manufactured. If anyone is interested i’ll contact Rockwell to find out. The razors are selling on the Rockwell website for $12 per 100 so they represent a good deal in terms of DE prices. The packaging is understated if perhaps a bit on the plain side, and the blade itself is simply printed with “Rockwell Razors” and “Swedish Stainless Steel”.
So the big question, as always, is how does it shave?

First off, the sharpeness is very much what i would consider neutral. As in dead center between a dull and sharp blade. A little bit of a tug during shaving but not totally unpleasant; and sharp enough to get the job done fairly well. A while back someone posted a sharpness chart with various brands. I’d put these in the exact middle.

Smoothness was similar to sharpness in that it was solidly...mediocre. No nicks or weepers, but some slight irritation with every shave. Nothing i’d consider bad or great. Just really, really...ok.

Longevity was about average as well (sensing the trend?) Rockwell’s website says you’ll be able to get between 4-8 shaves out of the blades and i’d say that’s about spot on. Shave #2 on both blades was the best, while shaves 3 and 4 started to show noticible dulling. I’d say they would be good until around shave 6 which puts them at about average for longevity.

Consistancy was the exception to the mediocre performance of the Rockwell. Both blades shaved exactly the same and dulled at the same rate. There was no noticible difference between the two so the quality control seems very solid.

So what’s the overall verdict on the Rockwell? Well, how many synonyms are there for “average”? Vanilla, unexceptional, humdrum, so-so, milquetoast...I’ll stop.

Basically this blade reminded me a lot of the VanDerHagen blade i started out with. It gave me a good shave with little fuss or irritation, but it was simply bland (see there’s another one!) Could you do worse than buying 100 Rockwells for $12? Absolutely. But you could also do better. Overall, i’m giving the Rockwell a middle of the road (last one i swear) 5 out of 10.

So that’s it for this month. Next up will be the Rapira Super Stainless. Until then, happy shaving!


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Member 113878

These blades only worked good for me in my Rockwell 6C razor.
In all my other shavers, they were tugging and uncomfortable.
Is the rockwell 6c considered an agressive razor? Just curious. They’re definitely not my favorite blades but i didn’t hate them.
Nice review, and I completely agree with your conclusion. These blades are solidly middle of the road.
Thanks! It seems to me like one of those blades that no one really uses because it’s so uninspiring. I’m glad tryablade exists because out of the dozen or so blades i’ve tried, i’ve only really liked about 2. I can’t imagine being stuck with 100’s of blades that gave an unsatisfying shave.

Member 113878

Is the rockwell 6c considered an agressive razor? Just curious. They’re definitely not my favorite blades but i didn’t hate them.
The 6C and 6S come with three double-bases, so you have 6 levels of sharpness available.
The only thing I like about the Rockwell blades is the new packaging artwork.
The blade itself is mediocre at best. For anybody interested, the blades are made in China.
Tried these blades a few times in different razors including the Rockwell. IMHO, they are horrible. Dull and rough.


Check Out Chick
Staff member
I have not tried these blades before and I thank you for the detailed review. Keep them coming.
I got a pack of these blades in a soap order a while back. I tried them in a Muhle R41 and found them to be pretty horrible. I found them to be very tuggy and uncomfortable.


Dances with Wolfs
I was an original Rockwell backer, and got a single tuck with my first razor. I initially liked them a lot, and quickly ordered a hundred pack for $10 when they contacted me to send out the free replacement razor. Never made it through that first tuck. The novelty wore off super quickly and I went to better blades. Now I give them away to new shavers and add a couple tucks in with convert kits I make up to indoctrinate people into wetshaving in addition to some Astras and the free derbys I get with some past razor purchases. I think the description of just okay and bland fits well. There are much worse blades. But they are not for me.
I was an original Rockwell backer, and got a single tuck with my first razor. I initially liked them a lot, and quickly ordered a hundred pack for $10 when they contacted me to send out the free replacement razor. Never made it through that first tuck. The novelty wore off super quickly and I went to better blades. Now I give them away to new shavers and add a couple tucks in with convert kits I make up to indoctrinate people into wetshaving in addition to some Astras and the free derbys I get with some past razor purchases. I think the description of just okay and bland fits well. There are much worse blades. But they are not for me.

Now that is a GREAT use for them! Perfect beginner blade in my opinion. My friend nearly quit DE shaving because of horrible blades so i think it’s important for people to start with something like the Rockwell so they don’t hack themselves up but still get a decent shave. I brought him back to DE with a Voskhod gift and he’s stuck with it ever since.
just tried some. hated it. blades going in storage lol. facial hair is thicker. same thing ppl say. tugging right away. bad irratation on neck.
Yep i’d have done the same. Didn’t hate the blade but it’s not something i’d willingly purchase or even use again. Too many other, better blades out there.
I got 2 small packets from ROCKWELL razors I bought. I tried two shaves with two blades and discarded them. They tug a bit and they never performed well on my neck. Yet I didn't fall in the trap of overshaving. I just picked up another blade from another make to perform a 4th light pass ATG on those areas.
Rockwell for me are much too dull and inefficient. They're just mediocre. There's no reason to use them with the variety of blades hanging on in the market.
So….spectacularly average. Wonderfully bland. Amazingly vanilla.

I agree. This is why I used them for my first open comb shave. I figured it would be safer. Got a decent shave too.
This review is spot-on. Rockwell's blade became one of my favourites last winter, precisely because of its superior vanilla-ness. It was freezing in our bathroom due to the (then) skyrocketing prices for natural gas and later because of issues with the central heating installation. The problem with cold is not only discomfort but also goosebumps on your skin complicating the shave. I needed a forgiving blade that delivered smooth results quickly. I tried a few different milder blades, but had some trouble with inconsistent sharpness, irritation, quick dulling and unsatisfying results. The Rockwell turned out to be surprisingly dependable, even in a hurry. It didn't matter if my hands were shaking, if I had goosebumps or if I took the time for proper shaving cream or not. This blade gave me consistently good results without cuts or weepers and barely any tugging, even in icy slap-dash shower gel situations that would have been murder with a Feather. 'Neutral' is a great classification for this blade: all the benefits of a mild blade without sacrificing too much on performance or durability.

The Rockwell is like the minivan of DE-blades. It's nobody's dream, but it's a safe choice, it gets the job done and it might be better for your situation. If you're dealing with sub-optimal shaving conditions and you need a dependable forgiving blade with decent results, you could give this blade a try. Especially if you don't have super-tough hairs. Nice for beginners as well.

This summer, when I can go back to taking my time without freezing to death, I'll be using sharper blades. I like paying attention and chasing BBS results, that's part of the fun. But when I'm in a rush and simultaneously rehearsing a speech in my head, I might still grab a Rockwell for good-enough results.
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