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Macduff’s Monthly Blade Review: Rapira Platinum Lux

So i'm back with another monthly review! As before, each blade will be reviewed based on a 2 pass (plus touch up) shave using a Van Der Hagen long handled razor, Van Der Hagen Luxury shave soap and a generic Fento badger brush. I run through 2 of each blade and use each 4 times; for a total of 8 shaves per brand. I'll be grading based on sharpness, smoothness, longevity and consistency. Price will be a factor but only of it's very cheap or expensive since most DE blades are pretty cheap comparatively.

The blade in question this month is the Rapira Platinum Lux: Rapira’s top of the line blade. After a run of decidedly mediocre blades, I was really looking forward to trying the RPL. The previous Rapira I tried, the Swedish Supersteel, was a mixed bag but showed some promise. I was hoping the RPL would be a step up in quality and live up to it’s slightly cultish (by DE standards) reputation.

Before getting down to brass tacks, this blade is made in Russia and has a platinum coating. There were the standard wax dots upon opening but this blade doesn’t appear to be wax or teflon coated. The packaging is extremely bland; with literal shades of gray and the Rapira name in black (with it’s Russian spelling in red.) But as with all good books...er...blades, I don’t judge them by their covers. As always, it comes down to the shave...

Sharpness out of the gate was pretty good. Not great, but definitely on the higher end of sharp. There was minimal tug and pull and generally the blade cut through my stubble with little fuss. The second shave seemed the sharpest, though there was little noticeable dulling throughout each of the shaves.

Smoothness was where this blade shined though. Each shave was weeper free and my face felt very good after every pass. Although i wasn’t able to get a BBS shave from any of the 8 tries with the RPL, they were all very close and comfortable. Around now is where i’d usually insert a snarky quip about some kind of Russian efficiency, but this blade is all business. Think Regan and Gorbachev circa 1988. Plans (for a good shave) are being hashed out with every lift of the razor.

Longevity was also top notch. After 4 shaves, the RPL could easily have kept going. My guess is 7-10 shaves out of a single blade even if you’re prone to tossing them quickly. You’re definitely going to get your money’s worth over the Swedish Supersteel.

Speaking of price, 100 blades will run you 12.95 on amazon. That’s only 2.97 over the Swedish and well worth the money in my opinion.

Consistancy was also excellent. Both blades were identical and gave the best shaves on the second go round. I didn’t notice any discerable difference between the two.

So what’s the final verdict? Much like the Start II treaty, this blade accomplishes a lot but fails in it’s ulitmate purpose. It can reduce the stubble to acceptable levels, but just doesn’t ever get to the result you’re hoping for. Has anyone ever compared nuclear disarmament to shaving? Well they have now! In all seriousness the RPL reminded me a great deal of the Voskhod. As in almost identical. Which is not a knock. I think Voskhod’s a very good blade but lack the sharpness i hoped for. I’ll offer the same gripe about the RPL. It’s a solid blade but just not sharp enough for my tastes. It gets a solid 7 out of 10.

Up next, a Personna offering: the little known QBall. Until next time, happy shaving!


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Good review, yes the RPL is quite like the Voskhod but a touch sharper in my opinion.

If you are looking for a super sharp blade then its not the one.But as you pointed out were it shines is its smoothness and as a forgiving blade on your face.Good to use if you have been chasing the BBS dragon or after a run of consecutive shaves and your face is feeling a little rough for wear.

Personally i find the blade plenty sharp for me in a mid aggressive razor like a Muhle Rocca or Karve D plate.Plus they are cheap, at least over here in Europe!.
Have you tried Rapira Sharp Star? They are my favorite blade. They were a limited edition Rapira released some years ago but they're out there. They are a step up from Platinum Lux. I bought 350 blades while I still could. It's a blade few are talking about or appreciating.
Thanks for positive responses! I haven’t tried the sharp star or even heard of it till you mentioned it. Is it sharper than the RPL? I see they’re going for 7.99 per 100 on ebay but they ship from Russia so the total cost is $14. Still seems like it would be worth it though if they’re good blades. I enjoyed the RPL but wish they were a bit sharper. If the sharp star is a bump up in sharpness, i may have to order a couple from tryablade and check them out.
My opinion is that they are sharper than platinum lux. I compared them this week and was slightly disappointed in the downgrade from Sharp Star. Platinum Lux is decent, but doesn't have quite the cutting power. I can use a sharp star 4 times before it starts tugging. I have a wiry beard.
Finished up the Q-Ball last night. Kind of a mixed bag. I’ll be posting a review in a week or two. It’s on to the Polsilver Super Iridum tonight. I really do get excited with each blade i open!
I agree with your opinion of the Rapira Lux. A good but not great blade. A blade you could use in a aggressive razor without fear of a blood letting.
I ordered a batch of Rapira Platinum Lux blades. I've haven't run into any damage or packaging issues yet. The performance is very good. I have used the first blade seven days and it is still going strong. After seven days the first pass is rougher, but the second pass is still BBS smooth. I'm past my normal limit on blade life and wondering how long it will go? My stash of blades to try is too big to waste time on life testing. I will move on to the next RPL and see how the rhythm develops. These RPL's seem like a good honest blades.

I ordered a batch of Rapira Platinum Lux blades. I've haven't run into any damage or packaging issues yet. The performance is very good. I have used the first blade seven days and it is still going strong. After seven days the first pass is rougher, but the second pass is still BBS smooth. I'm past my normal limit on blade life and wondering how long it will go? My stash of blades to try is too big to waste time on life testing. I will move on to the next RPL and see how the rhythm develops. These RPL's seem like a good honest blades.

I went through 3 RPL's in row to get a good feel for the blade. The first pass had a little more feel to it than I wanted, but the second pass was as smooth as silk. The special area that this blade excels at is the closeness of the shave. I can achieve BBS level in all problem areas.

My next blade choice is GSB to provide fair competition.

I went through 3 RPL's in row to get a good feel for the blade. The first pass had a little more feel to it than I wanted, but the second pass was as smooth as silk. The special area that this blade excels at is the closeness of the shave. I can achieve BBS level in all problem areas.

My next blade choice is GSB to provide fair competition.

The GSB is a remarkable blade. The first pass is right up there with the Feather. The life seems to be about normal, at 5 days I sense that the end is near. The GSB is a great purchase.
Moved on to Polsilver. I want to compare to the RPL while the memory is still fresh.
Let us know how you feel and stack RPL against the Polsilvers. I have been thinking about RPLs and they have to compete directly against Polsilvers and Gillette Black's.
Let us know how you feel and stack RPL against the Polsilvers. I have been thinking about RPLs and they have to compete directly against Polsilvers and Gillette Black's.

I will comment when I finish a Polsilver. The accuracy of the evaluation becomes more difficult when I am picking my top candidates. I'm more interested in establishing the medium acceptable performers. Once the medium group is identified the top candidates fall in the same group. The last blade tested, GSB was a clear winner. No discussion needed. The GSB blade performed better in both areas, first pass and second pass. I expect similar performance out of the Polsilver. This will be the second review of the Polsilver.

My unacceptable blades so far are: Derby Extra, Parker, Van Der Hagen, Merkur, I will still review all of these blades again until my stock runs out. The decisions made will be for disposal or repurchase.

I will comment when I finish a Polsilver. The accuracy of the evaluation becomes more difficult when I am picking my top candidates. I'm more interested in establishing the medium acceptable performers. Once the medium group is identified the top candidates fall in the same group. The last blade tested, GSB was a clear winner. No discussion needed. The GSB blade performed better in both areas, first pass and second pass. I expect similar performance out of the Polsilver. This will be the second review of the Polsilver.

My unacceptable blades so far are: Derby Extra, Parker, Van Der Hagen, Merkur, I will still review all of these blades again until my stock runs out. The decisions made will be for disposal or repurchase.

The first week on the Polsilver has been an enigma. I can get a BBS shave with them, but don't know if it is worth it. The shave improves after first one. As crazy as it sounds the first pass on the new blade was poor, but the second pass was good. After the first shave the first and second pass seem to trade positions on shaves. Confusing? YES. I don’t know if I want to figure this out for a relatively high priced blade. The Rapira Platinum Lux is more dependable in performance.

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