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Macduff’s Monthly Blade Review: Personna Israeli Red

So i'm back with another monthly review! As before, each blade will be reviewed based on a 2 pass (plus touch up) shave using a Van Der Hagen long handled razor, some atrocious “Peace” soap that should never have been used for shaving and a generic Fento badger brush. I run through 2 of each blade and use each 4 times; for a total of 8 shaves per brand. I'll be grading based on sharpness, smoothness, longevity and consistency. Price will be a factor but only of it's very cheap or expensive since most DE blades are pretty cheap comparatively.

Following closely on the heels of my review of the #1 B&B recommended blade, the Polsilver Super Iridium, is another B&B favorite: The Personna “Israeli Red.” As it’s name implies, the blade itself is manufactured in Israel and the packaging is indeed red. What seems to differentiate these from their blue colored cousins is the crome, instead of platinum, coating. There may be a different grind on the blade but as far as i’ve been able to tell, that’s likely the main difference. Anyone that claims to understand Personna or its blades is probably lying...or a genius. It’s rumored the factories run fully autonomously and the CEO is a distant cousin of Willy Wonka. Only he knows whether med preps and lab blues are different.
But i digress.

Like most Personna blades, the red is known for it’s blend of...wait for it...sharpness and smoothness. I’m still searching for a viable alternative to this oft repeated line of praise, but can’t quite seem to find anything that has the same ring. Suffice to say, it’s earned much praise in the DE community and i was excited to try it out. So after dispensing what little wit i possess, how do they shave?!

First off, these blades are indeed sharp. Not cut you if you look at them wrong sharp, but still quite sharp. The first shave was probably the least sharp of the bunch and was still a very decent shave. Shaves two and three though were where the blade revealed how sharp it really is. I managed to give myself a couple weepers on shave #2 just because it sharpened up quite a bit more than i had expected. Shave three left me with some irritation but no weepers; the same could be said for the 4th shave. This is a blade that needs careful attention in order to avoid getting cut or razor burned. I was prepared for how the blade behaved on the second go round, but still managed to give myself a few weepers and some mild irritation over the course of the next 4 shaves.

Smoothness was a bit of a mixed bag for me. Some shaves were truly excellent, but i can’t say i had any that didn’t end in at least a little irritation. Some of the times were clearly user error, but even the times i took extra care to avoid seeing red (a pun!) the bottom line was that the blade was just a tad harsh for my face.

Consistancy was dead on as both blades behaved in exactly the same manner. The first shave left a bit to be desired but then sharpened up considerably on the second. The third and fourth on both held the sharpness quite well.

Longevity was surprisingly a strong suit here. For whatever reason, I never associated the Israeli Reds with a long lasting blade. The whole sharpness and smoothness thing is a common refrain, but i don’t remember people praising them for their longevity. Either way, I was quite surprised to find that on shave 4, both blades still seemed to have a lot of life left in them. I would have easily felt comfortable shaving 2-4 times more with each blade. Perhaps it was because the red sharpened up so much, but i never noticed a serious degradation in it’s cutting ability.

Cost is a bit on the high side for DE blades. Amazon has them for 19.93 per 100 which isn’t a bank breaker, but does put them into the more expensive DE blade category.

Overall i found the the Israeli Red’s did live up to their lofty reputation, but only just. There was a underlying harshness to them i just couldn’t quite shake regardless of how careful i was. Perhaps the blades were just a bit too sharp for my face, but i have only one face with which to judge and i think they’re just a bit too harsh. Taking everything into account, i’d rate the Personna Israeli Red at a very solid 7 out of 10. Just under what i personally would consider top tier, but certainly a very good blade. In my opinion, those looking for a blade on the sharper side would be well served to give these a try. If you have sensitive skin though, these might prove too irritating to use.

Well that’s it for this month, but i’ll be back with another review shortly. I’ve been slacking a bit with the holidays and all, so i’ve shaved through a number of blades i’ve yet to review and need to post on before i forget them. Up next, the Personna Lab Blue. Until then, happy shaving!


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I have an Israeli Personna blade in my Black Beauty right now, first time I tried them. Was better than I expected. I could use these as long as I can get them. One of the local grocery stores sells them as its store brand.

BTW, there are two Personnas now. The old ASR that sells to consumers is a division of Edgewell and therefore a sister company to Schick / Wilkinson Sword. This is the company that makes all the store brand blades on grocery shelves along with Trac/Atra and all kinds of proprietary cartridge products. I guess that any blades made in Israel are essentially provided by this company.

When ASR was sold to Edgewell, the industrial products division was spun off and is now called Accutec. This is the company that makes blades in the old ASR plant in Virginia for commercial, medical, and industrial markets - it appears that they make the Lab Blues and Med Preps and everything that Ted Pella sells along with all kinds of other sharp things not meant for shaving.

I have no idea what kind of contract these two have to share the Personna name, but it doesn't make things less confusing.
I have an Israeli Personna blade in my Black Beauty right now, first time I tried them. Was better than I expected. I could use these as long as I can get them. One of the local grocery stores sells them as its store brand.

BTW, there are two Personnas now. The old ASR that sells to consumers is a division of Edgewell and therefore a sister company to Schick / Wilkinson Sword. This is the company that makes all the store brand blades on grocery shelves along with Trac/Atra and all kinds of proprietary cartridge products. I guess that any blades made in Israel are essentially provided by this company.

When ASR was sold to Edgewell, the industrial products division was spun off and is now called Accutec. This is the company that makes blades in the old ASR plant in Virginia for commercial, medical, and industrial markets - it appears that they make the Lab Blues and Med Preps and everything that Ted Pella sells along with all kinds of other sharp things not meant for shaving.

I have no idea what kind of contract these two have to share the Personna name, but it doesn't make things less confusing.

God almighty i didn’t think it could get anymore confusing! I actually did a deep dive into Personna a while back and it was head splitting. I imagine an entire book could be written on it’s history. I’d love to be in the board meetings for those companies. They probably have huge presentations just to remind people who they actually work for hahahaha.
Thank you for your review. I have a Red I got from a sampler pack a while ago but I haven't tried it yet. I settled on my rotation in recent months. I had an irritating experience with lab blues for about 6 months and haven't been able to trust the Personna name since. I will try it out, though, to see what my experience with it is compared to yours.
BTW, there are two Personnas now. The old ASR that sells to consumers is a division of Edgewell and therefore a sister company to Schick / Wilkinson Sword. This is the company that makes all the store brand blades on grocery shelves along with Trac/Atra and all kinds of proprietary cartridge products. I guess that any blades made in Israel are essentially provided by this company.

When ASR was sold to Edgewell, the industrial products division was spun off and is now called Accutec. This is the company that makes blades in the old ASR plant in Virginia for commercial, medical, and industrial markets - it appears that they make the Lab Blues and Med Preps and everything that Ted Pella sells along with all kinds of other sharp things not meant for shaving.

I have no idea what kind of contract these two have to share the Personna name, but it doesn't make things less confusing.

Energizer Corp bought ASR, then moved all their personal care product lines into a new spinoff company, Edgewell Personal Care. The Personna Industrial Factory in Verona, Virginia and the factory in Mexico was sold to a group of private investors under the name Accutec and retained the Personna, GEM and other trademarks for products made there. Edgewell only owns and operates the Israeli factory. It's not unheard of for trademarks to be used under license by different companies. Edgewell owns the Wilkinson Sword trademark but Gillette bought the rights to use Wilkinson Sword for blades made in India only.
Energizer Corp bought ASR, then moved all their personal care product lines into a new spinoff company, Edgewell Personal Care. The Personna Industrial Factory in Verona, Virginia and the factory in Mexico was sold to a group of private investors under the name Accutec and retained the Personna, GEM and other trademarks for products made there. Edgewell only owns and operates the Israeli factory. It's not unheard of for trademarks to be used under license by different companies. Edgewell owns the Wilkinson Sword trademark but Gillette bought the rights to use Wilkinson Sword for blades made in India only.

So that means Accutec kept the trademarks and licenses them to Edgewell for the few consumer-market products sold under that name? Makes sense.
So that means Accutec kept the trademarks and licenses them to Edgewell for the few consumer-market products sold under that name? Makes sense.

It does make one wonder just how many of these blades they’re selling. If they wanted to retain the name, that must mean there is SOME brand recognition driving the sales. Perhaps they sell more blades than i had previously thought.
I have used Personna blades off and on for decades. Currently, I have USA made lab blues, Israeli made Crystals, and a generic drugstore brand made in Israel and packaged in a dispenser; they may be Israeli Reds, but I do not know for sure. They are all good blades. I also like the Wilkenson Sword blades made in Germany that are cousins of these.
These blades tend to hold their edge well, even getting slightly sharper after the first shave.

Feather blades are extremely sharp out of the package. I like very sharp blades to slice through my stubble, but the edge deteriorates quickly when used on my tough beard. Thus, I do not find them to be a good value for me.

I look forward to the evaluation of the Lab Blues.
That will teach me to use my phone for posting on this site. Any way, used a personna red today in my Mamba .70. it was a little rough like you found it for the first shave, hopefully it will smooth out over the next one.
That will teach me to use my phone for posting on this site. Any way, used a personna red today in my Mamba .70. it was a little rough like you found it for the first shave, hopefully it will smooth out over the next one.

I'm also hoping for a smoother 2nd shave out of a Personna Red. First use in a Timeless .68 although being a close shave, was not exactly irritation free.
That will teach me to use my phone for posting on this site. Any way, used a personna red today in my Mamba .70. it was a little rough like you found it for the first shave, hopefully it will smooth out over the next one.

Yeah i found the first shave to be the worst. Second and third sharpened up considerably so it should get better. Like i said in the review though, i don’t find these to be super smooth. Not exactly harsh, but the smoothness leaves something to be desired. That said, the blade does sharpen up so it should “feel” smoother during the shave.
So that means Accutec kept the trademarks and licenses them to Edgewell for the few consumer-market products sold under that name? Makes sense.

No, Edgewell still owns the trademarks but as part of the sale of the Personna Industrial factories, I think Accutec retained the rights to use the trademarks for products made there. It's mutually beneficial for both companies, there is still a business relationship there. Accutec uses the Personna, GEM, American Line, and even the PAL trademark themselves. Edgewell also uses the Personna trademark for their cartridge razors and DE blades. They also have marketed SE blades under the GEM, PAL, GEM Bluestar, and Treet brands. All SE blades are made at Accutec in Virginia only.
No, Edgewell still owns the trademarks but as part of the sale of the Personna Industrial factories, I think Accutec retained the rights to use the trademarks for products made there. It's mutually beneficial for both companies, there is still a business relationship there. Accutec uses the Personna, GEM, American Line, and even the PAL trademark themselves. Edgewell also uses the Personna trademark for their cartridge razors and DE blades. They also have marketed SE blades under the GEM, PAL, GEM Bluestar, and Treet brands. All SE blades are made at Accutec in Virginia only.

OK I get it now. That aside, the fact that Accutec makes the SE blades makes sense, but then who handles distribution? Accutec, or Edgewell? Seems like a strange setup to have an industrial products company have to maintain distribution to consumer-facing orgs for a relatively low volume product, or does Edgewell buy the blades from Accutec for distribution? Sorry for the questions, this is rather interesting.
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