So a ways back I picked up a tin at the local B&M of Plumcake. I have not been much of a fan of aromatics so far, the only other one I have enjoyed is WO Larsen Signature, and I think I enjoy that mostly because I feel like it's pretty lightly cased (Not sure if that's true or not, but it's doesn't seem sticky and overly done).
Anyway, I look at it and it's priced at a little over $9. And the tin was big, 3.5 oz. I figured, what the hell, I know MacBarren and I think it's a legit company so it seems like a good deal!
Cracked it last night and went for a walk with the dog. I let him run around a big field while I smoked.
It was really damn good tobacco. It smelled awesome, tasted great, and burned fine. My amateur butt was able to finish a full bowl in a fair size MM cob with only two or three relights (that's about as good as I can do). I don't really have the pipe vocabulary to fully describe blends yet like I can with cigars, so I regret my lack of fine details.
So what I'm saying is that I recommend this blend. Even after just one bowl. I just ordered another tin.
Anyway, I look at it and it's priced at a little over $9. And the tin was big, 3.5 oz. I figured, what the hell, I know MacBarren and I think it's a legit company so it seems like a good deal!
Cracked it last night and went for a walk with the dog. I let him run around a big field while I smoked.
It was really damn good tobacco. It smelled awesome, tasted great, and burned fine. My amateur butt was able to finish a full bowl in a fair size MM cob with only two or three relights (that's about as good as I can do). I don't really have the pipe vocabulary to fully describe blends yet like I can with cigars, so I regret my lack of fine details.
So what I'm saying is that I recommend this blend. Even after just one bowl. I just ordered another tin.
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