After I experienced the 18 yr. old expression of The Glenlivet I couldn't go back to the 12 yr. old.
I have had all of the Macallens and my fav is still CASK STRENGHT. I would never turn down any Macallen...ever.
Ok what other bottles have you guys had that is close to the Macallan 21.
I am not fond of the cask strenght, it lacks the depth of flavor as the 18 and 21 produce. And there is an over arc of raw alcohol, and astringancy which has not been mellowed. As in the other verityies.
And if you want something a bit different try the 15 yr fine oak. If you are not sure of the difference, Macellen uses sherry barrels to age, but the fine oak, as the name suggests uses fine oak barrels. It is a slightly different flavor. And is a refreshing change of pace.
I like the rawness of it. I will say this though, if you add just a touch of distilled water to it, it really does open it up.