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Lord Blades

Anyone else like Lord Super Stainless blades? I've been using them for a while now, I love them. I can get almost a week out of 1 blade before it starts to tug. I haven't seen many Lord blade lovers out there, am I the only one? Lol:confused1
I like them, too. The Super Stainless are very good blades.

Glad I'm not the only one! I've read so many posts about feather's and astra's being fantastic blades that I started to think I was crazy for using Lord's SS.
I like the sharks and they are made by lord aswell so chanses are i will like at least some of the other blades made in that factory including their main brand lord.

It does seem like sharks are more available than lord though?
Lord Platinum work for me only in my Ibsen slant bar. In every other razor this blade is awful. The Super Stainless is a "every razor" blade.
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