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Looking for razor

I had a gentleman come in the pharmacy and he held up a package of double edge blades and asked where he could find a razor for them. It seems as though he is helping for a retired 80+ year old attorney who refuses to shave with anything but a DE. I knew this store did not have any and told him about my use and said I got mine on line. He was ok with that so off the top of my head I recommended he visit westcoastshaving.com and bullgooseshaving.com. I messed up and did not remembet that bullgoose was net and not com.
I'm sure with a bit of googling he'll find it - afterall, he was smart enough to ask you!

I hope my hand is still steady enough at 80 to get a DFS from my DE razors.
I hope my hand is still steady enough at 80 to get a DFS from my DE razors.
My Dad is 88. He started with a straight razor, but has used a DE razor for the last 60 years or so. Currently, his main razor is a Merkur 34C HD with Astra SP blades.

I watched him shave a while ago and was amazed at how steady his hand is. Smooth, fast, decisive strokes with nary a nick. I guess that's what 70+ years of experience will do for you. As you said, I hope my own hand is as steady when I reach that age.
My Dad is 88. He started with a straight razor, but has used a DE razor for the last 60 years or so. Currently, his main razor is a Merkur 34C HD with Astra SP blades.

I watched him shave a while ago and was amazed at how steady his hand is. Smooth, fast, decisive strokes with nary a nick. I guess that's what 70+ years of experience will do for you. As you said, I hope my own hand is as steady when I reach that age.

My dad is also 88. He uses an electric. :sad:

He used a Tech when I was a kid. And his dad used a straight when he was a kid.

My sons are being trained with DEs. Only time will tell if they stick with it.
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