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Looking for razor cleaning service

Recently purchased/won a Gillette Slim Adjustable. Good condition but it really needs to be taken completely apart and all parts cleaned. I don't think it needs to be re-plated but a good cleaning of all surfaces. Does anyone know of someone who does such work?
I'd like to know this as well but more of a how-to guide if it is easy to do. I bought one of these as well and it has become my favorite DE razor.
My recommendation is to clean it yourself. Most of these do not need to be torn down. There are a number of cleaning threads around that can tell you how to do it. Do a little searching and you'll find what you need.

Myself, I do the following with any crudded-up razor:
(get a couple old toothbrushes and a plastic sandwich container)
- Soak overnight in warm water, either with dish soap or simple green (I like simple green, full-strength)
- Next day, throw it in the ultrasonic cleaner for 15 minutes, or let it sit for another 1/2 day if you don't have an ultrasonic cleaner
- Take a soapy/simplegreeny toothbrush and scrub it down really well, all over, in all the little nooks, and in the knurling
- spray it down with scrubbing bubbles, let it sit like that until the bubbles go away
- Re-apply scrubbing bubbles, take a toothbrush and scrub it down really well, all over, in all the little nooks, and in the knurling
- Rinse it out really well, working the doors and adjustment, dry
- Apply some maas polish, with your fingers, in all the big areas, with a q-tip to the small corners and hard-to-reach places, buff this away, use a q-tip to buff out the small corners

Hope it helps,
-- Chet
Unless there's something obviously wrong with it, a long soak in warm soapy water, 15 minutes in scrubbing bubbles and an old toothbrush are really all you need.
+1 on Chester's post.

Unless the adjuster or TTO knob is not functioning this should be adequate to get it cleaned up nicely. If the TTO or adjuster is not working there are some additonal soakings and things you can spray on it to try to free it up. I used lighter fluid on my Fatboy to free the adjustable plate from the rest of the head.

Read through the before and after cleaning thread, it shouldn't be too many pages down in this safety razor forum.
I just put my ultrasonic cleaner to use for the first time....its amazing how well it actually works, I was very very skeptical at first. Used it on two aristocrats, my watch, and a dvd so far. Picked mine up from amazon, think it was under 40 shipped.
I do exactly like chester except...

I first hit the razor with WD40, let sit for 5 min or so. Toothbrush that and check all twists and turns. Redo if needed, then wash off with dish soap. Then start the long soak overnight. I just have found that WD get rid of a lot of grime safely real quick.

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I sometimes spray some penetrating solvent down the razor stem and inside the knob to dissolve and clean out the crud inside the razor. This just applies to one piece TTO razors.
I just put my ultrasonic cleaner to use for the first time....its amazing how well it actually works, I was very very skeptical at first. Used it on two aristocrats, my watch, and a dvd so far. Picked mine up from amazon, think it was under 40 shipped.

Be careful using the ultrasonic cleaner on your watch. I put my $150 watch in with great results...so then I put the $500 watch my wife had given me in and it filled up with water like a swimming pool. The movement rusted solid almost overnight. Luckily I was able to get the movement replaced for about $100 at one a local mall watch repair stations. They showed me the little gasket was broken but said it wasn't the cleaner that did it... if it happens at all it's usually during professional battery changes. The ultrasound action just forced more water into it.
Recently purchased/won a Gillette Slim Adjustable. Good condition but it really needs to be taken completely apart and all parts cleaned. I don't think it needs to be re-plated but a good cleaning of all surfaces. Does anyone know of someone who does such work?

It's true that sometimes even a boiled, outwardly clean and shiny, well functioning slim or fatboy can have a ton of soap and whiskers hardened inside the handle...here is a thread demonstrating the step-by-step disassembly/cleaning/reassembly procedure:

Thanks for all the suggestions. I ended up soaking for 24 hours in a solution that was mainly Goo Be Gone cleaner. Then used some chrome polish to give it a nice finish. Looks great. Put in a Gillette 7 O'Clock Black and lathered up!
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