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looking for open comb suggestions

I have a Gillette senator that was my grandfathers and I use that when I have gone an extra day or two without shaving. The open comb seems to do a better job in that scenario. My issue with the senator is the size and weight. Its very light, and the handle is short and skinny.

My normal razor is a Merkur 38c, and I like the longer handle and the overall heft of the razor. I know Merkur used to make a 12c that seems like the open comb version of the 38, but they are difficult to find as I don't think they are being produced any longer. I also looked a bit at the open comb gillette new, the ball end. They seem to be pretty good too. I know several other companies make an OC as well.

What else is out there that is a longer-handled, relatively weighty open comb? I am comfortable buying new or vintage, doesn't make a difference but I would like to keep it to a reasonable price. Thanks in advance.
I have a few gillette open combs that I use. They shave great with the original handles, but I like heavier handles. I ordered a bulldog handle to add some weight and hopefully the handle comes in soon.
I like the Merkur 1904 OC razor. Not sure if they offer that one in the longer handle version, but check out the Merkur line to see what the do offer. I've always had good results with any of the Merkur razors.
The trick seems to collect heavier handles from varying razors and swap them to your favorite heads..it is really surprising the difference a handle can make to a razor.
Take a look at shaveabuck.com at the Cadet razors. They still have some 3 piece open comb razors with a large (4") heavy handle. They're about $25 and the workmanship is very good.
The 12C can deliver a great shave, however the small "sweet spot" can make it slightly time consuming to use when compared to my long comb new. I'm probably going to end up selling it to fund the purchase of a Fatip Grande and a heavier handle.
Get a Gillete NEW with the bar handle. It is hollow, and if you fill it completely with #6 buckshot, it really gives some nice heft to it. Not a huge difference performance wise, but does make it slightly more aggressive. I did the same to my pre- war Tech with fat handle, and combined with a Feather blade, makes for a very nice shave.
My fisrt DE was a 38 and I too liked the length and heft. IMO for the price you can't go wrong with a Cadet OC, great heads, shooth, efficient, easy to find the right blade angle. I picked up a TP-26 from shave a buck a while back and it seems to be the razor I reach for the most. It has a nice lenght 4" overall and nice heft 3 oz. This is the only OC razor that I have that I use stock. I have put longer heavier handles on both my fatip and old type.

The TP-44 is the same razor except with an all silver handle, but there are many handles to choose from.
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Another vote for Cadet OC razors.

I picked up a Cadet TP-26 when they first came out and it's simply fantastic. Since that time I've added a fewer of the short handled Cadet OC's and they have somewhat different shave qualities due to the shorter handle, but are equally wonderful.

Shave-a-buck has the largest variety of different handles, but Bullgoose, Italian Barber (under their RazorRock name) also offer the same razor at competitive prices.

For a moderately priced OC razor, the Cadet is fairly forgiving in terms of effective angle. I think if you like the shave of your Merkur 38, that the Cadet would feel good on your face.
Does anyone besides me care for the iKon Deluxe Open Comb? It is a nice aggressive heavy stainless steel razor. But not too aggressive. They weren't available for a while but they are again now. I've had very nice shaves with mine.
Does anyone besides me care for the iKon Deluxe Open Comb? It is a nice aggressive heavy stainless steel razor. But not too aggressive. They weren't available for a while but they are again now. I've had very nice shaves with mine.

Yes, I have one of these and I love it! :thumbup1:
Can you switch the handles on either the Cadet or Fatip razors with other handles? I assume you can switch a fatip with another fatip, but I know there are more 'generic' handles out there, will any of these fit either?
Can you switch the handles on either the Cadet or Fatip razors with other handles? I assume you can switch a fatip with another fatip, but I know there are more 'generic' handles out there, will any of these fit either?

The Cadet open comb head is pretty interchangeable with other razors. In fact Joe at Shave-a-buck initially offered a Cadet OC head (which sold out very quickly). Personally I've tried it on a Weber Bulldog handle as well as handles on an EJ 89 and SABI T1.

The Fatip on the other hand is reported to have a unique tread. Somewhere on the B&B Fatip thread, there's a member who has done the Yeoman work of cataloging which Fatip fits which handle. So the message is if you want to re-handle a Fatip, do some homework before buying a new handle.
I'm surprised this thread has gone on this long with no one mentioning the R41. Guess it falls to me: have you considered the Muhle R41? You can get it with a longer, heavier handle, known as the "Grande." I have the notorious 2011 model, and the 2013 is reportedly very slightly less aggressive.

It took me a while to get the hang of this razor, and I do think it's more important to find the right blade choice with this razor than with others, but by now it is the only DE I opt for when I choose not to shave with a straight.
Does anyone besides me care for the iKon Deluxe Open Comb? It is a nice aggressive heavy stainless steel razor. But not too aggressive. They weren't available for a while but they are again now. I've had very nice shaves with mine.

A very nice open comb that delivers a wonderful shave. The Ikon Bulldog 2 at 85mm is a nice heavy, bit oversized handle.
Does anyone besides me care for the iKon Deluxe Open Comb? It is a nice aggressive heavy stainless steel razor. But not too aggressive. They weren't available for a while but they are again now. I've had very nice shaves with mine.

The iKon OC head is my favorite thus far. I use it with an 85mm iKon Bulldog handle, or an Elite Razor handle of the same length. It's slightly more aggressive than the Weber or Merkur 34C for comparison. It always gives me a great shave with Astra SP blades...
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