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Looking for different Gillette razors

I wonder if someone could tell me a good place to purchase decent Gillette razors besides eBay? Thank you very much, Al… A new double edge shaver!
You'll have MUCH less risk of getting hosed if you buy from someone in the community here, rather than the bay.
I have spent the better part of the past 2 years hunting though antique malls and flea markets to build up my collection. Luckily the area of PA that I live around is loaded with places to find these great antique malls but that may vary where you live. I actually try to avoid EBay as much as possible because I enjoy the hunt more than anything.

Why not head on down to the Shaving Collectibles Extravaganza in West Chester, Ohio in October? I would think many of the guys here who consider shaving to be their hobby to be there: http://www.razormeeting.com/

I want to thank everybody here for all their help, I think for now until I get used to shaving with a double-edged razor I'll just keep plugging along with my flare tip… Thanks everybody… Al
I have just started with DE shaving this year and I have had good ebay buys and bad. I watch a lot of stuff on ebay but the price gets too high for the quality of what it is or I get cold feet with the seller's reviews or lack or response. But I have found two adjustable slims that cleaned up very well and are now in my rotation. I just kept at it until I got the adjustable at 'my' price. An amount that I set and once it goes past I let it go ... and it was a low amount too.

I have also found razors at antique stores, and as said before, it takes time looking around. I have never found a "Fat Boy" at an antique store/mall but I have found several good TTO razors and Techs. I have only found one OC, a Segal, that opens really, really neat, but I have also turn down a few that would take a lot of cleaning to be usable. With the info of how to clean from this site, I wish I would have gotten those ... live and learn.
The B/S/T forum here is awesome. I've done the scouring of neighborhood "Antique" stores and it's the same everywhere. Once eBay came along and folks realized what they could make there, simple items like an old Superspeed for $5 started disappearing; and would go for $55 over there. And then If you want to sell over there you have the eBay AND PayPal fees. No thanks...I have put money back in my pocket by staying right here. Thanks B&B. :thumbup1:
I've been to antique malls and resale shops and have seen a good amount of razors. The only one I purchased was a Red Tip for $2 at a resale shop.
I've had the best luck finding vintage Gillettes at estate sales where I have found them for as low as 25 cents each and the average prices are from $1 to $3. Most of the antique stores in my area have prices higher than EBAY but I have found a few good deals.
Good morning everyone;
I was on eBay last night, why is it that all that garbage is commanding such a high price? I got my super speed flare tip for $10 free shipping which I thought was a good deal because it wasn't anything special but it was my first. Now I see, I'm not sure what they call them, long handled black adjustable Gillette's? I saw one that sold for almost $100, I couldn't believe it, who would pay that much for one razor and besides my wife would kill me… LOL
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