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Looking for a stiff brush - any recommendations ?

Any Semogue boar...620, 1305...

All my Semogue boars are super soft on the ace but have plenty of backbone. In fact, they feel less 'scritchy' on the face than two Simpsons brushes in 'best' that I have owned. Semogue = softer tips with more backbone in my opinion. I have three Semogues (830, 1305, 1800), and would not call any of them 'scritchy' at all. I would think a Simpsons in 'pure' would be a closer match to what the OP is looking for than a Semogue boar.
My preference in brushes is similar.

These are pretty much the parameters that work to get me where I want to be:
Pure Badger Grade
Knot Diameter: 20mm
Loft: 45

My Choice: Simpson Eagle G2
I agree with the d01 in 2-band for badger (stiff hair with some scritch)

Simpson pure hair is even scritchier if you want that (not as stiff)
ive personally used every brush mentioned so far on this thread, and the Shavemac D01 2 band is BY FAR the stiffest, scrubbiest brush on here.........I will send you a PM...
I'm a bit curious now, are the Semogue boars scritchy or not? I was looking to pick up Semogue boar brush, but that was under the assumption they were decidedly NOT scritchy. I'm not a fan of scritchy and the softer the better.
Semogue Owners Club is pretty much ready to use out of the box. The other ones need some break-in to split the tips. After that, they're soft as silvertip but still firm.
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