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Looking for a longer Handles brush....

Hey all,

My new Kingsley Tortoise is great, but the handle is quite short. What's a decent ($20 or less - such as Tweezerman) that has an extra long handle such as the one in the mamabear video HERE?

It would be a bonus if it was from Amazon as well....


I was looking for the same thing a few months ago.

Cheapest I've found so far is to do a TGN restoration with a vintage tall brush off eBay $10-15 for the brush, $15+ for the knot. You need some tools to do this though.

At around $50, (the cheapest long handle brush google shopper turns up) you can start looking at hand turned handles with TGN knots.

The brush in that video looks like a PCWoodcraft&Pens brush to me, which are ~$55-100.
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