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Looking for a Gillette adjustable

I am very much a newbie , in fact I just got done shaving and am sitting here bleeding. That's what happens when you don't know what you are doing and do it in a hurry! Anyway I started with a Weishi than I bought a Parker 82r and I have a Merkur 34c on order. Now all this has happened in a little over two weeks. This RAD thing is pretty ridiculous! What I am wondering is where is the best place to get a vintage Gillette adjustable cheap?

PS Is there a cure for RAD? Cause now I am thinking about a EJ and a Muhle a Feather, maybe a Schick injector etc. etc.........HELP!
Firstly, there is no cure for RAD. I started with a single Gillette Rocket a few months ago and now the herd has over 150 in it :blink:

As for looking for a well priced adjustable, put a post in the Wanted area and is one of the fine members here has a spare one they will generally let you have it for a fair bit less than the eBay going rate.
It takes a while to get over an AD. My big thing now is cased Gillettes.
I don't know why, I don't seem to care either. It'll sort itself out soon.

Keep your eyes on the BST. You'll get one in the condition you want for a fair price. My suggestion is a Slim or a kit with a few that someone has put together.


I picked up my vintage adustables on Ebay.. Just be patient.. Don't get caught up if the crazy bidding starts... just find another one to bid on at reasonable prices. WIthin a couple of weeks, you'll pick one up at a reasonable price.
Check your local antique shops/malls. I have had good luck at the shops in my area. Picked up a Slim and the coveted Fatboy, both in great shape for only $12 a piece. They're out there, you just have to be patient and keep looking.
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