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Looking at a new razor. Insights?

After several months with my Feather Popular razor, I'm at a point that I'm considering buying a new razor, for a change of pace. The ones that I'm most seriously considering are the Merkur Progress and the Feather "Artist's Club" series. I'm not in the market for a "real" straight because I don't have the time or room to learn to care for it properly.

Does anyone own both of these? Can I get some input as to the performance of either/both?

I don't own a Progress, but we are talking apples and oranges here.
With the Progress you get a DE shave, using DE technique. The Feather will be a completely different experience, with a new technique to learn, and some cuts for the first 10 days, or so.
I love my AC, it gives me a DFS with two WTG passes. I can't say I'm in complete control of it yet, but I'm sure everyone else who has tried it, will agree that it's a great shaver.

It really depends on you. If you want to experiment, learn something new, go for the AC. If you don't like it, there's BST, where it'll on sale for about 15 minutes.:wink2:
A word of warning though: I bought the AC because I wanted to str8 shave without the maintenance issues. Now I own five str8s and three strops, with no end to my SRAD in sight.
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