Every so often a thread pops up concerning the longevity of various shaving and personal care concoctions, so I thought a recent experience of mine might be of some interest.
While doing some general housecleaning, I came across a package of unopened J.R. Liggett's shampoo bars, old enough to maybe be classed in some quarters as NOS. To be more precise, about 20 years old. After sniffing them and generally eyeing them suspiciously for a while, I decided there was nothing obviously toxic about them, so decided to give them a try.
To be brief, they seemed to work just fine, so on this basis it appears that this brand of shampoo, properly stored, even if by accident, has a shelf life of at least a couple of decades.
Probably no surprise. I have heard of folks on this forum using vintage Williams even older than this, so it appears that soaps can have a very long lifetime. Just keep them dry and cool.
While doing some general housecleaning, I came across a package of unopened J.R. Liggett's shampoo bars, old enough to maybe be classed in some quarters as NOS. To be more precise, about 20 years old. After sniffing them and generally eyeing them suspiciously for a while, I decided there was nothing obviously toxic about them, so decided to give them a try.
To be brief, they seemed to work just fine, so on this basis it appears that this brand of shampoo, properly stored, even if by accident, has a shelf life of at least a couple of decades.
Probably no surprise. I have heard of folks on this forum using vintage Williams even older than this, so it appears that soaps can have a very long lifetime. Just keep them dry and cool.