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Local find and on sale, It Begins !

So I walked into a local Michaels, an arts and craft, home decor type place and there i was minding my own business when i come across this isle

$2012-09-24 12.26.13.jpg
I Have seen the Shaeffer calligraphy kits online and with an instruction booklet i thought it would be a good place to start learning the fancy handwriting stuff, so i grabbed it along with an over priced mars bar, and my bill comes back way less then it should,... apparently the art stuff is on sale, my whole bill came to 26 bucks taxes in with the mars bar i may add

$2012-09-24 12.53.37.jpg

$2012-09-24 12.53.45.jpg

so all kinds of stuff to keep me happy for a bit and to try my hand at things

so lets call this one a before picture
$2012-09-24 13.11.20.jpg

Christmas cards i think this year will be a lot nicer then past years !


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Oh boy, off we go! Nice pick up. I found one of those Sheaffers that was inked up and left for dead, maybe a few years abandoned, and it cleaned up and worked great after a couple minute flush.
They seem to work well for me too been putting the hand to some practice already man with 40 % off I should have grabbed on the the dip pens and some ink too lol
Mmm...overpriced Mars bar....:drool::lol: Not a shabby looking before picture, keep us updated on how it goes. I'll be expecting some lavishly addressed letters from now on!
You got lucky, James. Your "veg lover" addition to my name did not get the letter thrown into the trash by my mailman, maybe he is one of the "chosen"
Hahahahaha, just thank goodness I chickened out on adding a scent to it... did you noticed the real stamps, was afraid you would miss them


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Plenty of improvement over the course of one day! We see how you roll.
What is the size on those nibs? Over 2 mm?

The red i think is a 1.1 maybe a 1.5 the green which is what the black and white photo is is huge maybe 2, the black is like a cursive broad i guess all the nibs say one them is F M and B, so im not totally sure

$2012-09-24 21.50.10.jpg

but the big guy sure makes you look like you have talent quickly lol, and by making them black and white you can sure hide a lot of flaws :thumbup:
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