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local antique store find

one of the two razors I picked from the local antique stores .. they had more (like 30 from all stores together) but there were none other than this two that were even close to salvageable

This one, originally had been a barber notch but the owner notched it some more while trying to clean it :cursing: needles to say I got it for a good price, but its a shame because it had been in great shape till the cleaning .. this is the starting point, how I got it ..
$2013-04-30 19.23.02.jpg

so after some remodeling it turned out like this .. its not polished yet .. I'm musing do I start over with lower grit or leave it as it is .. because I started with 600 grit up to 2000 .. there is some "scaring" left but at least its all silver now no blackness .. I was thinking about making it the original shape .. but then it would have gotten much shorter looking .. so instead I made it square point with a little "horn" sticking up above
$2013-05-24 22.28.53.jpg
$2013-05-24 23.17.33.jpg

what got me baffled is the writings .. everything is written on German except Germany haha I expected it to be Deutschland not Germany.

It has the following markings .. Garantie Solingen - Silber Stahl on the box and on the blade .. also on the tang other side it has No 580x1/2 Germany. It's a hollow 6/8 blade. Also on the blade there is etching of a crown with a hearth in it and a cross on top the hearth and a ribbon backing with the Silber Stahl written left and right of the crown. There is little ghosting still visible on the blade even after the sanding.

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The second one is also Solingen (actually everything in the antique stores was Solingen I think).. this is one is smaller one 4/8 near wedge .. J.A.Henckels - Zwillingswerk #27 .. came wrapped in a wax paper into plain old card-box. It is supposedly minty, now in the post somewhere traveling back after being honed by rickboone1 has a few spots of pitting. Other than that its in great shape tight scales, center etc.

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$2013-04-19 15.27.06.jpg

I wrote Henckels about this razor and they did shake down some cataloges but they only said they had USA catalog and they didn't had any "zwillingwerk" marked in it .. so the #27 they find didn't matched this one 100%.​
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