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Little Shaver

My 16-month old son, Donovan, is quite fascinated with Daddy's shaving routine. So, when I came across this in a specialty toy store, I knew I had to have it.


I'll try to post a picture after he starts using it. . . .
My 5 year old son actually bought something similar (it was transformers branded) with his own money... guess my obsession is already affecting my kids :blush:
Oh man, that is cool! I need to find one for my 2-1/2 year old son! He is starting to really pay attention to me when I shave. I intend to video it and email it to Sue, but I'll open a puck of Mama Bears and he'll say, "mmmmm, good!" He does that on all of them except MB Brazilian Coffee. Then he say "yuck". I bet Sue would enjoy seeing that!

Hey, good clean fun, can't argue with that!

Maybe it'll even help the little guy learn the EASY way instead of the hard way like I did...


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I saw that too, I thought it was funny!
I remember when I was younger, my cousins and I would grab some bic disposables w/ the top on, apply some shaving cream, then "shave" it off.
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