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Little Boxes . . . .*

SWMBO is very understanding, even supportive, of my RAD, BAD, SSAD and ASAD. Yep, she's totally down with it. (I know, I am a very lucky man).

What she doesn't get is why I insist on keeping all of the empty boxes from everything I buy (SS, AS, razors -- you name it).

Frankly, I don't get it either.

What's up with that?


*(previously posted in the confessional)
Strat - I am much like you. It's a struggle, but I am always happier once I shed the boxes and other unnecessaries.
I keep 'em all too. Soapless kids in China would love to have the chance to keep old boxes! Why would she want to toss out perfectly good boxes? You never know when you'll need them again.

OK, We'll never need them again, but I just can't get rid of them!
I keep than in the odd chance I want to resell the item later.

When I buy new in the future, that's what I will do.

I have tons of boxes of various sizes in our basement. Of course, over the last two years I've sold $20,000 in car parts to various folks all over the U.S. I need to have boxes on hand in order to get parts out in a reasonable manner. Now that my car part stock is dwindling I look forward to shedding the boxes.
When I buy new in the future, that's what I will do.

I have tons of boxes of various sizes in our basement. Of course, over the last two years I've sold $20,000 in car parts to various folks all over the U.S. I need to have boxes on hand in order to get parts out in a reasonable manner. Now that my car part stock is dwindling I look forward to shedding the boxes.

I meant the OEM boxes, not the shipping cartons, although I do have plenty of those around, too!

I meant the OEM boxes, not the shipping cartons, although I do have plenty of those around, too!


Oh, I realize what you meant. I don't find any problems w/ keeping the OEM boxes. IMO, they add value if you go to re-sell. I just thought I'd expand on the situation. This way you can use me as a scapegoat when talking to SWMBO you can say stuff like, "Well, I'm not as bad as this guy on B&B that has a basement full of boxes..." You know, things like that. HTH.


Oh, I realize what you meant. I don't find any problems w/ keeping the OEM boxes. IMO, they add value if you go to re-sell. I just thought I'd expand on the situation. This way you can use me as a scapegoat when talking to SWMBO you can say stuff like, "Well, I'm not as bad as this guy on B&B that has a basement full of boxes..." You know, things like that. HTH.



I need more friends like you. Thanks!

Wait, it's BAD to have a basement full of boxes?

I keep boxes for things I might re-sell (guitar stuff, razors, etc.) but ditch boxes for the things that, even if I were to re-sell them, wouldn't make a difference (creams, aftershaves, etc.) Personally, if I were to buy a tube of cream that is 1/4 gone, I wouldn't care about the box. But something that someone may be collecting ought to have a box with it.
I need more friends like you. Thanks!


Glad I could help.:thumbup: BTW, I like your location quote. I'll have to put that CD in the car.

Wait, it's BAD to have a basement full of boxes?

I keep boxes for things I might re-sell (guitar stuff, razors, etc.) but ditch boxes for the things that, even if I were to re-sell them, wouldn't make a difference (creams, aftershaves, etc.) Personally, if I were to buy a tube of cream that is 1/4 gone, I wouldn't care about the box. But something that someone may be collecting ought to have a box with it.

Yeah, the funny thing is that of all the parts I've sold not a single one got shipped in the original box.:huh: The boxes that I transport electronics and guns in all get saved, but they're stored away from my box pile. It's weird that selling certain items are worth so much more if you have the original box. My Mom collects porcelain dolls and saves all their boxes because it helps verify their authenticity. Weird.
I keep my boxes too. Some products have their contents listed on the outer box only, not on the product itself. At least that is my excuse to keep all these boxes laying around :smile:



I still have the boxes for my Marantz receiver and Infinity 2000A speakers from 1972

That was a pretty hep set up in those days. I used to love my Marantz receiver!

Of course I have all the boxes from my stereo equipment and the like. What I can't figure out is why I have problems parting with the box from, for examples, Tabac ASL or a ToBS Sandalwood soap refill.

These are items which will be used up and are never likely to be resold, and yet, I feel bad chuckin' out the boxes.

I usually keep boxes until the return period ends...at least thats what I tell myself. This "strategy" often ends up with me throwing away boxes years later haha.
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