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Little Blood Papule

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Hey all, I have had this little thing, looks almost like a tiny pimple, but it's red. For lack of another term, I call it a blood papule. Now it used to be very delicate, where I would nick it all the time and it would bleed, and nowadays I can just shave over it no problem. Anyone else have these or have experience with them and how to best deal with them?
Sounds like a Cherry Angioma (basically a red mole) I have a small one on my chest, just like any other mole, they can be removed if it causes you concern, other than that I believe they are harmless.
Sounds like a Cherry Angioma (basically a red mole) I have a small one on my chest, just like any other mole, they can be removed if it causes you concern, other than that I believe they are harmless.

Agree with BB. From your description, it does sound like a cherry angioma. They are benign and if it is not causing you a problem, I would leave it alone.
Just be careful. I had one of these and I to thought it was a weird, red mole. Turns out it was basal cell carcinoma and I had to have Mohs surgery. I am not trying to scare you, but you might want to get it checked out...
Here you go peeps, circled for you. Thanks for all the help, busy work and pt schedule as is (ACL reconstruction rehab :thumbdown) so I don't have much time to see someone else.
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As ShaverJoe and BlackBear mentioned, it appears to be a cherry angioma, which is a benign growth of capillaries at the epidermal surface. They are quite common and increase in frequency with age. Since it does not appear to be giving you any trouble, I would suggest leaving it alone, or more directly stated, not trying to "pop" it as with a pimple. It is exceedingly unlikely that it will increase in size significantly
I've had this somewhere through my teens. Bleeds like hell if you nick it.
It has disappeared from my chin a couple years ago and never saw it again :)
Well hopefully it just disappears after a while! I mean I do shave over it every single time, and more often than not it doesn't bleed..
If you have any concern about your skin- speaking to your doctor is the best choice. Good intentions aside the internet forums are not a good place to get medical advice.
If you have any concern about your skin- speaking to your doctor is the best choice. Good intentions aside the internet forums are not a good place to get medical advice.

My father is a doctor and told me it's totally fine and nothing to worry about. He shaves with an electric shaver though so he wouldn't know how best to handle it. I posted it here for a shaving perspective, I'm not worried about it. For example that user Mantic has a gigantic mole and I imagine it took some practice and technique to get nice shaves around it. Was just looking for tips.

wow you made a thread over that? hahahahahaha.

Yes I did. This is a shaving forum and I wanted to know how other people who might have them handle them whilst shaving. By the way TheBear..your avatar is a tiger.
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