So, decided to pick up a bottle of the classic Clubman splash yesterday when getting a Rx refill at the pharmacy. Got it home and gave it a sniff...smelled pretty good in the bottle, but did remind me a bit of Brut which I find wretched. I was a bit nervous to try it the next morning but I am glad I did! I really like this stuff. A pleasant scent and it did not burn like the hellfires I expected. A few hours after splashing it on I am still getting a whiff here and there and its really pretty great! HWMBO was not offended, in fact didn't even say a word, so it must not stink to high heaven. I also asked some female co-workers their opinion and they rather like it. So, I think I picked a $6.49 winner, which isn't too surprising considering the number of positive reviews here on B&B. Now, I just have to pick out a tailscoat and a top hat to wear just like the dude on the bottle!