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Lighter repair in East Bay?

My mom passed away a couple of years ago and left me her lighter. It's a butane lighter and I really liked it, but set it aside when it ran out of fuel because I was unfamiliar with butane lighters.

I finally decided to take it to a cigarette shop to learn how to refill it. They showed me - and refilled it - but alas, it did not light, even though we heard the rush of butane. (It doesn't use a flint, so that's not the problem.)

It turns out this lighter is a Colibri, a fairly high-class lighter. Can anyone suggest a place in the East Bay (across the bay from San Francisco) that would have a person capable of diagnosing my lighter's problem?

Alternatively, if there are any here who have the expertise to do it, I have several creams, soaps, aftershaves and blades (or cash) I could exchange for the service.

you might try the smoke shop in the pacific-east mall ,99 ranch market neighbor,on central ave right off the nimitz freeway richmond/el cerrito border

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
Does the ignition spark when you try to light it? And do you know if the guys at the shop purged it before filling?

If it sparks it's possible there is air in the reservoir. Use a pen tip to push the valve down and release the air/butain in the tank, do the is until it no longer hisses, and refill the tank. If that doesn't work send it back to colibri. Unfortuetly colibris have a history of dying for no aparent reason.
Go over the works with a dry stiff toothbrush. That may break away any crud shorting the igniter. Other than that as Derrick said send it back for service.
Thanks for the replies. The guy at the smoke shop didn't drain the reservoir before filling it, so I think there's air in there. I drained it a lot and it's working now.

Thanks again!
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