Schwab's tobacco shop on Southland drive carries some Colonel Conk items like soaps and brushes. They have a few Dovo straights as well. As far as Louisville goes, the Derby City Chop Shop on Bardstown Road started carrying a small lineup of DR Harris soaps and Merkur razors. They have Vie Long brushes and a selection of straights. Being from Kentucky, I have been on the lookout for anything wet shaving related that may be carried by a local vendor.
I am glad I ran across this thread, and am surprised to see so many others in LEX and LOU already on the board. I am a perennial late-comer?
I ordered my Edwin Jagger and blades from Amazon.
The Rooster's Nest Barber Shop and Shave Parlour on South Upper. They have some Merkur and Edwin safety Razors. They have some really nice brushes and carry Parazo and Omega soaps. Place is killer. Old school as it gets.
+1. Great atmosphere there. The barber used a Feather SS when I was there, though I wish I would've spoke up when he loaded a Derby into it. Derby blades and I don't agree. He did a good job on the cut and shave though. Two pass, pretty close to BBS, couple of small nicks, no biggie. The pampering and prep really set it off though. Red hot towels (from a rebuilt vintage towel warmer), icy cold towels (from a vintage freezer) along with a soda.
Merkur and EJ razors? Proraso and Omega? Wow...he's upgraded his stock...I remember recommending Proraso products when I got my cut and shave. Lucky Tiger cream was the order of the day then. A bit expensive (around ~$50 for a cut and shave), but the experience was worth it.
I won't be rooting for the 'Cats, but don't hold it against me. Maybe I will visit this place.