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Let's talk sandalwoods

My wife bought me a puck of TOBS Sandalwood soap for my birthday, and I've used it 4 out of the last 5 days. I'm thoroughly addicted to the scent, and I'm thinking I would love to smell like that all day. Wife is similarly impressed by the scent. I've also got a tube of C&E Sandalwood cream that I like, but don't love the way I do the TOBS.

So, tell me about your favorite sandalwood colognes. I've looked at the reviews, but I want to know what YOU think.
TOBS is a nice interpretation, but I'm more of a purist when it comes to sandalwood. To that end, Dyptique Tam Dao and Nandita Sandal incense oil are the absolute best available.
TOBS is a nice interpretation, but I'm more of a purist when it comes to sandalwood. To that end, Dyptique Tam Dao and Nandita Sandal incense oil are the absolute best available.

The Tam Dao is more than I was looking to spend, but the Nadita is intriguing.
You might consider Caswell-Massey Sandalwood; it comes in cologne and aftershave splash - dry renditions. Also, D.R. Harris Sandalwood aftershave comes to mind; similar to TOBS Sandalwood cologne and aftershave - spicy. All less expensive than Tam Dao.
I love Tam Dao (PS Dyptique are good about sending a sample or two).
If you really like it you could buy a decant.

AOS is nice too but has some strong non-sandalwood notes.
If you like the scent of the TOBS sandalwood soap, then go with the TOBS Sandalwood cologne. I have it and like it. It is not necessarily a true sandalwood scent, but it is very nice and reasonably priced.
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THanks folks. Keep 'em coming!

Leaning towards the TOBS or Caswell-Massey with the Nandita still intriguing me.

I just wish there was a B&M near me where I could smell some of these. Alas, none.
C&E Sandalwood EdT is very nice, and it's $40 for a 3.4 oz spray bottle. You can probably test it at the store in Regency Square in Richmond and see if you like it.

Try out the Crabtree & Evelyn Essence of Mysore Sandalwood cologne and see what you think. I've always liked it.
I would have to say the AOS sandalwood, there just isn't a LASTING scent like that.
Also, if you like that scent, try Mama Bears "sandalwood Vanillia" mixed with the AOS sandalwood cream!! wow!!!:drool: followed up with AOS sandalwood after shave gel!!!:drool: then you wouldn't need the cologne!!! :drool:
There's just something rustic smelling about the TOBS version of sandalwood. Almost a leather smell mixed in or something and I dig it quite a bit. I was put off quite a bit by C&E's, but haven't smelled AOS's version. The stuff Jean uses at MyTimeBathandBody is pretty danged good too though.
I love Tam Dao (PS Dyptique are good about sending a sample or two).
If you really like it you could buy a decant.

AOS is nice too but has some strong non-sandalwood notes.

where does one get the dyptique sample?

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