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Let your child play with razor blades.

Cool t-shirt I picked up :biggrin1:


I'll let your child play with my razor blades... does he mind if I've used them ffirst

Yup... that's an lol!
I lathered my two year old daughters face this morning. She always comes up to me and says "smell" when I have my shaving creams out so she can get a whif of what's in the tub.
I've always thought the Gillette baby looked like a fat crazy old man. I think it's the eyebrows. The razor is a giveaway though, unless it's a regularly sized man with an abnormally large razor.
That is an awesome shirt. I want it!

I've always thought the Gillette baby looked like a fat crazy old man. I think it's the eyebrows. The razor is a giveaway though, unless it's a regularly sized man with an abnormally large razor.

I think the baby kind-of looks like Dom DeLouise from History of the World.
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