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Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow


"Proper Bob"
If it's snowing where you are, let's see it.
In NJ, it's just starting. Kids getting excited. :biggrin:

We're supposed to get 3-5 inches. It's been snowing here in northern VA since 11:00 this morning and hasn't stopped yet. The snow is not sticking to the roads, though. That's a good thing.
Nothing yet this year here in Toronto...just hoping for a white Christmas.

Thanks for the pic!


Wanting for wisdom
I put my snow tires on last Monday and Tuesday woke up to snow on the grass. I've just loaded in my firewood for the season and am enjoying a medicinal whisky. It is supposed to snow a little on Monday.

For me any excuse to snuggle in . . . in front of a fire is fine.
The local news stations are reporting possible Armageddon this week around Tuesday. I'll post if we get it.
:lol: I hope we get something.

I shouldn't say local new stations as much as Katie Horner. I swear every year when a decent snow is coming she forcasts the end of human life as we know it. But the people eat it up. Wal-Mart was packed out today. From my experience, if the stations are calling for end of life due to snow flakes, everyone stocks up.....even though this isn't Michigan and the snow will be melted in a day or two.....
Just the usual rain here in Cheltenham. I've never seen a white Christmas other than the film in my 57 years!



B&B membership has its percs
First few flakes of the season during the afternon hike. It was a snowless November here in the extreme southeast of the Great Lakes State. We will likely pay heavily later ..
A few years ago I spent a Christmas with a family in South Dakota. It snowed every day I was there and it was funny to see the South Dakotans grumble good naturedly about the snow while I walked around as if I was in some kind of wonderland. It was only my second White Christmas, the other being when I was a very small child. I also spent a Christmas with a family in Florida one year and that was strange too, seeing all the fake snowflakes etc. while I sweltered in shorts and a t-shirt. It tends to be cold, wet and grey for Christmas here, but generally speaking I don't wish I was elsewhere over the Christmas season as for me the people you are with are the most important thing. :001_smile

Enjoy the snowfalls you're all getting and I look forward to reading the reports and seeing your photos!
It's so upsetting. I'm from Northern VA, but live in NYC now. VA got snow, NYC got a day of cold rain and a night of a wimpy, slush like snow that didn't stick to anything. I feel cheated.
Just a couple of flakes in the air here, just east of NYC. Nothing on the ground.

It's so upsetting. I'm from Northern VA, but live in NYC now. VA got snow, NYC got a day of cold rain and a night of a wimpy, slush like snow that didn't stick to anything. I feel cheated.

It's still early, but be careful what you wish for . . . . :wink:
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