I started wet shaving not long ago, and have been constantly improving my shaves. A month ago got myself a EJ 89L and some Derby blades and got even better. First shaves = BBS with almost no effort. However the last two shaves I managed to get razor burn, and serious razor burn. For the last couple of days, while recovering, I have been thinking. The best shaves I got were when I paid attention and respected the razor, so no pressure on the blade whatsoever. But using the combo for a while and voila, the dude got confident. And along with confidence comes burn. Didn't change anything, same soap, same routine, only i believe I got sloppy. Next attempt I will definitely be more careful. Probably part of the game, whenever one thinks has improved much, a short reality check settles things.
How is your learning curve, only improving or you did experience setbacks?
How is your learning curve, only improving or you did experience setbacks?