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Learner- shave every day?

G'day all.

I've recently come over from DE shaving, with the Ruprazor filly/Double Arrow special, and a shave ready straight that I bought from a reputable seller.I'm having pretty good results for a newbie (after the first bloodbath!), and am getting away with minimum razor burn, and only a few small nicks.

Obviously I want to learn as quickly as possible, but I wonder if shaving every day with a straight with imperfect technique is a problem?

What is the general consensus- shave with a straight and then give your face a few days of DE to recover before the next one, or just man up and push on?
Give your face a day or two to recover. Otherwise you'll get frustrated. Unless you are stubborn, in which case, feel free to man up. But personally, I think a break every time you hit a wall is good.


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I always shave everyday. At the moment, I'm not shaving everyday with a straight, only on my days off. I don't have any problems with it and I am still in the learning curve!
It depends on what you are experiencing. If you are not having a hard time or problems, then I say shave everyday. Practice makes perfect!

I have not purposely taken a day off since I began. I haven't suffered with any real irritation or cuts, in fact, it is waaaaayy better than using a DE, IMHO!

Good Luck!
it depends on what you are experiencing. If you are not having a hard time or problems, then i say shave everyday. Practice makes perfect!

I have not purposely taken a day off since i began. I haven't suffered with any real irritation or cuts, in fact, it is waaaaayy better than using a de, imho!

Good luck!

while youre learning you'll most like give yourself some razorburn, so a break every other day would probably help
Just found out yesterday that my grandfather only shaved once a week with a straight. I guess it helped that he had really blond hair, but he did it at the kitchen table using a tiny mirror to see what he was doing. Unfortunately the razor got lost along the way, but I wish I could get it back.
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