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Lawrence of Arabia

Got the sudden urge to watch this movie tonight, certainly one of my favorites. Anyone else particularly fond of this film?


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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Never saw it, I should. There was a reference to Lawrence of Arabia in 'Churchill's bodyguard' documentary. It was quite interesting that he could make a crowd quiet just by showing is face!
In the film category of Epic, one of the all time greats. Along with Spartacus and Ben-Hur. I try never to miss any of these when they are on.
One of my favorite movies of all time. I wish they made movies like it again. The scope of the production is amazing. Now they would just CGI in most of the armies in the background.

It played in a local movie house a couple years back and I didn't go see it on the big screen. My loss.

I need to watch it again.
One of my favorite movies. Got to see it years ago on one of the last really "big" screen movie theaters in Boston.

Peter O'Toole is just a great actor.

As for Lawrence, he was one of the most interesting individuals to walk this earth.


My elbows leak
Staff member
Fabulous movie. A real epic.
Read his autobiography "Seven Pillars of Wisdom", it is a fascinating account of the events and the mind set of a man thrust into an uncomfortable limelight.
Big agreement to all the above.

The budget needed to produce the same thing today is probably beyond the scale of anything available to Hollywood.

Both the man himself (Lawrence) and the actor (O'Toole) are bigger-than-life people.
Many years ago I visited the Bovington Tank Museum in Dorset and they had quite a collection of his stuff. The museum is just down the road from where he died when his bike went into a tree. He lived nearby.

Don't know if the exhibit is still there as it's quite a while since I visited.

A great film and also he was Welsh, same as me, NOT ENGLISH! Born in Tremadog, Caernarfonshire .
I just watched What's New, Pussycat? and I kept getting Lawrence of Arabia scenes stuck in my head.

Some other O'Toole flicks I enjoy - My Favorite Year, Murphy's War and Ratatouille.
I fell asleep last night before I could really get into it, so I am watching it this afternoon over lunch and a glass of iced tea. Looks to be a nice day. :cool:
In terms of visuals and an epic feel, it is second to none. But when I watched it last year (for the first time in about 9 years) I was struck at how hammy the acting was. I like O'Toole and Sharif but there's just something about the acting of decades ago that's different from today.

One thing's for sure....they don't make movies like Lawrence anymore.
it is a beautiful movie - visually stunning, epic, breathtaking, etc etc etc.... Gorgeous score... what a way to spend the afternoon, Christian! Didja love it?????

And -in this film, with this cinematography - O'Toole and Sharif are arguably the two most beautiful actors ever to play against each other. The camera positively drools over them.

re: hammy acting... think of the cliche "chewing the scenery" - not advisable in The Desert Epic, eh?
I agree a great film... If you get a chance catch O'Toole in My favorite year he is a over the top amazing.....

I just watched What's New, Pussycat? and I kept getting Lawrence of Arabia scenes stuck in my head.

Some other O'Toole flicks I enjoy - My Favorite Year, Murphy's War and Ratatouille.
Many years ago I visited the Bovington Tank Museum in Dorset and they had quite a collection of his stuff. The museum is just down the road from where he died when his bike went into a tree. He lived nearby.

Don't know if the exhibit is still there as it's quite a while since I visited.

A great film and also he was Welsh, same as me, NOT ENGLISH! Born in Tremadog, Caernarfonshire .

It's too bad you didn't see his house--I thought it was fascinating. It's called "Clouds Rest". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clouds_Hill From there you can take a 1-3 mile track to the small church where he's buried.

The movie was filmed on location in Wadi Rum, Jordan. I spent 3-4 days hiking and camping around the wadis twenty years ago. Beautiful area. We slept under the stars on a cliff overlooking the valley floor that was lit by a full moon. We also saw drill holes in stone where they had mounted the tripods during filming.
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Amazing movie. He was even a more interesting man. I was in Jordan a while ago at one of his haunts with a Jordanian and a Syrian. I asked them what they thought of him. Without hesitation, the Jordanian said hero and the Syrian said spy. Definitely a fascinating figure.
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