This morning I decided to clean out my bathroom closet (to make room for my latest haul of soaps, AS, blades, etc...) and I found a tub of shave cream I bought when I lived in California. This was long before I started traditional wet shaving and I remember thinking how irritated I was when I tried it and thought it was basically unusable because it was expensive. I had tried to shave with like like any other product I was using then, scoop out a wad and rub it quickly on my face and zip over it with a cartridge. I tried it twice and promptly forgot it existed, it was still in a box of old bathroom stuff where the movers placed it 6 years ago. Anyway, after finding it this morning I figured I would try to run a test lather with it to see if it was usable with a brush and to make sure it wasn't past any expiration point. I dropped a pea sized glob into an old bowl (I have been exclusively face lathering for about 3 months) and started to lather... Holy Crap this stuff exploded onto my brush! It made mounds of creamy almond scented lather! After 30 seconds I had almost completely filled the bowl. The hand feel was slick and thick, probably the best lather I've ever produced and I seriously wished I hadn't just finished my shave an hour earlier. I bought this at a store called "Lather" in Pasadena and that looks to be the name of cream as well, can't wait for tomorrow to see how how it feels once I put a blade to it. Has anyone else seen or used this cream before? I couldn't find anything in the forums regarding it... Took a few pics of the results. Sorry about the poor picture quality...