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Report: Almost Nobody Raped During Duke's First Lacrosse Match DURHAM, NC—

The Duke Blue Devils lacrosse team celebrated a triumphant return to the field last Saturday, defeating the Dartmouth Big Green 17-11 in a game that featured six goals by junior Zack Greer, eight saves from goaltender Dan Loftus, and close to zero reported rapes. "The Duke lacrosse program plans to uphold its proud tradition of winning and barely raping anyone," first-year coach John Danowski told assembled reporters and law-enforcement officials after the match. "And it was great to see the record number of 6,485 fans in attendance, all of whom really showed their support except the two female undergraduates seated in Section 8A and [Blue Devils cheerleader] Chrissy [Heinman], who were being sexually assaulted." Danowski predicted many more victories and even fewer rapes as the season progresses
I'd have to put this in the "not really funny" category as those guys were falsely accused and have had their lives wrecked because of it. Unfortunate story all the way around.

I'd have to put this in the "not really funny" category as those guys were falsely accused and have had their lives wrecked because of it. Unfortunate story all the way around.



Oh yeah... and wrecked by an over-zealous ***** DA.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
As comedy may be loosely defined as tragedy that happens to someone else, I find Steve's post funny, even if the original story isn't.

I'd certainly like to see something "comical" happen to that DA. :behead:
So.......I guess that satire is out of the question.

I agree that the actual incident isn't funny but since I mistakenly thought that the Onion's satirical story was - hence I posted it. If it offended.....:001_tt2:
It's The Onion....Laugh a little.

Course if they had any guts they'd have ripped Nifong or the accuser. Site search and on Google show zero links for both. It's a shame really...Onion hasn't been enojyable since they dropped Herbert Kornfeld[not for the hyper-sensitive]. Now that was pure comedic genius.

EDIT: added warning
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