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Slickness is a sickness
I've tried two blends with Latakia: Stokkebye Proper English and Ashton Artisan's Blend.

Both have a predominantly smoky tin note, almost like BBQ, but when I put a match to either, I get incense. Like the stuff our pastor used to burn at Christmas mass when I was an altar boy (too much info?).

Anyway, I see that both blends also contain Orientals, so I'm wondering:

Am I getting the "incense" note from the Latakia or the Oriental leaf?

I'm asking because I'd prefer to avoid that component when trying new tobacco.
I've always found latakia to be primarily a rich, deep smoky smell/taste, not so much incense. That said, many latakia blends also incorporate some orientals, so I'm guessing the orientals; heavy emphasis on "guessing". I used to drink a lot of lapsang souchong tea. I considered that to be the tea drinking equivalent to smoking latakia. Or think Laphroaig VS Glenmorangie. Smoke VS spice?
But, that's just me.
Try something without orientals or without latakia.

I like orientals, but less off the latakia.

And now I'm on holiday so I cannot go looking into my tins for names. The one I have, has both (dunhill my mixture)
My dad smoked a latakia blend in his pipe all my life, originally called "John Cotton's", when that was discontinued he had a custom blend concocted which was very similar.
I never got an "incense" association from that -- and I am quite familiar with incense, have used many different kinds over the years, from India, Thailand, Tibet, and not least Japan.


Slickness is a sickness
Maybe I'm describing it incorrectly, my palate is not refined, and my taste buds are shot after 50 years of cigarette smoking.

I think I'm smelling this note more than tasting it, though I know much of taste is actually accomplished via smell.

Might be spicy, on the order of clove maybe? Still, it is a bit reminiscent of incense...not the sweet, flowery type, but more traditional...frankincense?
I have wondered the same thing. At first I assumed the incense was coming from the orientals. Then I thought maybe it was the Latakia. Based on the responses here it seems like I was right the first time. I like it. 😋


Slickness is a sickness
Well, I'm 99.9% sure it is the Latakia.

I ordered a few 1oz samples of blends containing Latakia without Orientals. I chose two blends that were "Top 25" or "Top 50" with high ratings, and a third, just because I thought it sounded appealing:

Stokkebye PS17 English Luxury, a blend of Virginia, Latakia, Burley, Black Cavendish, Top 50, and a rating of 4.26 of 5. Haven't tried it yet.

Sutliff Revelation Match, a blend of Virginia, Latakia, Perique, Dark Fired, rated 3.76 of 5, not a "Top" tobacco, but picked up an ounce. Haven't tried it yet.

F&K Lancer Rready Rubbed, Virginia and Latakia, Top 25, with a rating of 4.35 of 5.

All three have the expected smokey bag note, like campfire and BBQ, very appealing to my nose.

I chose the Lancer for a test smoke, since it was the most popular and highest rated of the three but, more importantly, contained only two tobacco components...and...

...it's definitely the Latakia that is offending my palate. To me the burning flavor is nothing like the tin note. I don't get campfire at all...and maybe I'm describing it incorrectly due to my inexperience, but it tastes like a mix of incense, spice, and maybe a hint of floral. To me, it's like smelling an apple pie that tastes like spinach pie, a complete disconnect and surprise.

Anyway, I will give the Revelation and PS17 a try, just to confirm, but I'm pretty sure Lats are not my bag...thank goodness I also got a sample of Haunted Bookshop...yum. 😁
Veering off the thread rails slightly, and I don’t have the most discerning palate, but when I need a smoky/barbecue type fix, I reach for blends with dark fired leaf such as MacBaren’s HH old dark fired or bold Kentucky. Have you tried those?


Slickness is a sickness
Veering off the thread rails slightly, and I don’t have the most discerning palate, but when I need a smoky/barbecue type fix, I reach for blends with dark fired leaf such as MacBaren’s HH old dark fired or bold Kentucky. Have you tried those?

Not yet...but I've been on a burley kick lately and those are on my radar. Thanks.


Slickness is a sickness
HH burley flake is my number 1 tobacco ever.

I plan to get a sample in my next order. Lately I've been enjoying samples of Pegasus and Haunted Bookshop, and a tin of Eight State Burley...all from the burley family...and quite agreeable to me.
I plan to get a sample in my next order. Lately I've been enjoying samples of Pegasus and Haunted Bookshop, and a tin of Eight State Burley...all from the burley family...and quite agreeable to me.
Burley flake is smoother, very cocoa forward (not chocolate). Amazing blend. It’s worth a try for sure.
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