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Last Gillette Bleue Extra

Been running short on blades, so I tapped into my reserves and selected my last Gillette Bleue Extra I have been hanging onto. Man, what an excellent shave!


Any other fans out there think they have found anything else similar? It is time for me to stock up, and right now I am leaning towards Astras.
Black or Green 7'oclocks (both from India) as far as still in production blades.....

Astra are nice and at the price worth a look.

Voskhod are a little smoother though and not much more price wise
I find Astra blades (Green and Blue) to shave very similarly to the NOS GBE blades. So similar in fact I have a theory which leads me to believe someone took the machinery that was used for manufacturing Swedes and GBE blades from their original European plant to Russia (Petersburg Products Int), but they are using a flimsier Russian(?) steel. It's just a theory. But yeah to answer your question I would agree with your leanings towards Astra as a replacement.
Been running short on blades, so I tapped into my reserves and selected my last Gillette Bleue Extra I have been hanging onto. Man, what an excellent shave!


Any other fans out there think they have found anything else similar? It is time for me to stock up, and right now I am leaning towards Astras.

Ive used all the Russian Gillette blade brands and I use the Indian Gillette Blacks and Greens. Unfortunately, nothing has matched the NOS GBE blades. The Indian blades come the closest for me but still, not up to the gold standard of the GBE.
Never tried GBE, but I am a big fan of Indian Permasharp Greens and would recommend them without reservation. (I've never been able to make peace with Indian Blacks or Astra; they both feel dull to me.) Also worth considering: Russian Perma-Sharps and Personna Med Preps or Labs. Labs are reasonably priced and as good as any blade I've tried.
I find Astra blades (Green and Blue) to shave very similarly to the NOS GBE blades. So similar in fact I have a theory which leads me to believe someone took the machinery that was used for manufacturing Swedes and GBE blades from their original European plant to Russia (Petersburg Products Int), but they are using a flimsier Russian(?) steel. It's just a theory. But yeah to answer your question I would agree with your leanings towards Astra as a replacement.

Interesting theory, but not for me. I find the GBE blades much smoother and somewhat longer-lived. Also...

The first image is a GBE V3, and the second is an Astra SP. The color difference is probably due to my sloppy technique with the USB scope. Anyway these edges are similar, but the GBE seems to have a different grind and more PTFE overspray. The difference in grind is even more visible after a few shaves: 7 on the GBE and 5 on the Astra.

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Sorry. They are all mine!!

Yes, one of the great blades. The 'NOS' GBE's are not Russian made, they were made at Lodz in Poland.
Just posted in another thread that these are frustrating for me ... they are about as good as a blade gets, but it is just so hard to get them out of their dispensers that I don't use them as often as I might if they came out as easily as others do.

Mitsi - I know people like to stock up on their favorites, but how long are you going to have to live to use up 4000 of them? Wow, that's some stash.
I was lucky to get my hands on 50 Swedes and they're even better than Bleue Extra, nothing made today can compare, the SI's are close.
Interesting theory, but not for me. I find the GBE blades much smoother and somewhat longer-lived. Also...

The first image is a GBE V3, and the second is an Astra SP. The color difference is probably due to my sloppy technique with the USB scope. Anyway these edges are similar, but the GBE seems to have a different grind and more PTFE overspray. The difference in grind is even more visible after a few shaves: 7 on the GBE and 5 on the Astra.

Many thanks for posting the magnified pictures of the blade grinds I really appreciate your work.
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Just posted in another thread that these are frustrating for me ... they are about as good as a blade gets, but it is just so hard to get them out of their dispensers that I don't use them as often as I might if they came out as easily as others do.

Mitsi - I know people like to stock up on their favorites, but how long are you going to have to live to use up 4000 of them? Wow, that's some stash.

I find it quite easy to get them out of the dispensers. Slow, firm and gentle pressure, and use a cloth over your thumb so the punch in the middle doesn't cut you (it can be sharp).

I'm going to have to live until I am somewhere around 120-130 years of age to use them all up. Mind you that is without the ~30 years supply of Spoilers I already have, nor the Schick Plus Platinums which there is another 2-3 years worth of. Then there are some other assorted vintage blades too, probably another 2-3 years worth.

I guess it would depend how old you are now :biggrin1:

I turned 34 in April!

I was lucky to get my hands on 50 Swedes and they're even better than Bleue Extra, nothing made today can compare, the SI's are close.
Swedes are indeed great, sharper and more feedback giving close to the ultimate control. Got to say that I think that Spoilers on first use are sharper but almost a hair too sharp. Different wear characteristics too, Spoilers drop off in sharpness on shave 1-2 then hold it until shave 5-6 then taper off. I found the Swedes did not really diminish early on, then curved down after 3-4 shaves, I get 5, maybe 6 if I really strung it, but I get 7-8 decent shaves out of a Spoiler before I toss it.

Omg, I would kill for those, Mitsimonsta!!!
Quoted for proof of threat on my life if I am ever found by police slashed by a rusty Derby ;)
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