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Large Brush Opinions


At the moment I have two medium sized brushes and one smaller vintage model for my travel bag. Recently I have been doing a lot of looking around at various brushes and fancy a go with the large size.

This would always be for bowl lathering and I nearly always use soap - although I may have the occasional cream day.

Models I am thinking on are the Chubby 3 and Rooney 3. Does anyone have experience of these two models? There are a lot of reviews on the large Chubby but I can find very little on any of the large Rooney models, so any news there would be great.

Some examples of points I would like to know is how they are for loading the brush from the soap and, finally, applying the lather on the face. Is there really much of a difference from the medium size?

The large Kents, Vulfixes, Savile Rows, ShaveMacs, and the large Simpsons are all worth a go. These brushes will produce a monster lather, are soft and lush on the face, and the large knots really retain heat well for a hot/warm lather.

These big brushes don't work very conveniently with a small-ish soap in a mug, or with the use of a shave stick; the smaller brushes work best with these. Melted/milled soaps in a larger format dish/ramekin gives enough surface area of the soap to easily load a large brush and is the way to go.

The big brushes really come into their own using a premium shave cream in a lather bowl. If you get used to these when using a cream, you'll rarely go back to a small (< 26mm) brush.

-- John Gehman
The large Kents, Vulfixes, Savile Rows, ShaveMacs, and the large Simpsons are all worth a go. These brushes will produce a monster lather, are soft and lush on the face, and the large knots really retain heat well for a hot/warm lather.

These big brushes don't work very conveniently with a small-ish soap in a mug, or with the use of a shave stick; the smaller brushes work best with these. Melted/milled soaps in a larger format dish/ramekin gives enough surface area of the soap to easily load a large brush and is the way to go.

The big brushes really come into their own using a premium shave cream in a lather bowl. If you get used to these when using a cream, you'll rarely go back to a small (< 26mm) brush.

-- John Gehman

+1 here. Take a look at the Vulfix brushes. These are very nice, and they won't break the bank.

Good pictures and descriptions here: www.classicshaving.com
Thanks for the advice.

I usually lather in a big Denby bowl so the brush size will be fine for lathering space but I am wondering how the larger brush fares with picking up the soap?

My idea was that the knot would be softer on the larger sizes but I could make up for that by choosing a firm bristle which would still dig nicely into the soap. Either one with a firm knot or a densely
packed one (which is why I had named the Rooney after reading they were amongst the most densely packed of any brushes) which would help to hold it's shape?

But maybe they are better just used for shaving cream?
They'll pick up the soap, but unless you have a container with the soap in it to match the size of the head, it can be a pain trying to lather up the soap. When you're talking big brushes the bristles splay outwards a lot. Most big brushes don't have the density or a short enough of a loft to prevent this.

I had a Kent BLK12 and a Shavemac 30mm brush for a time and while you would find it easier to use a cream, soap could be done. The Kent BLK12 was not as dense as my Shavemac at all. The loft was about the same, but because it wasn't as dense that brush would cover your cheek and then some. The Shavemac had much more hair, and as a result it kept its shape pretty well, but still had your entire cheek.

I also have a Chubby 2 2-band, and it does have a shorter loft than either of those had, the 2-band bristle along with the loft helped tremendously to keep the bristles together. It will fan out a bit, but definitely nothing like those two did. I did like those other two very much, but I just wouldn't use them hardly so I let them go. Really missing that Kent BLK12 and might get one again someday, or a BLK8. :001_rolle

The larger brushes really apply the lather well I feel. It's more so the feel of applying the lather that is better. Having a huge soft brush apply all that warm lather to your face is just something I couldn't get with the smaller brushes. Not saying they're bad of course, but it's a whole other experience in my opinion. With the Chubby it's a bit lessened but that's because of the loft. I find longer loft brushes just feel more luxurious as well if they're not extremely dense.

It's all a matter of preference on the brushes. You can use the brush however you like. The big ones can lather soap just fine, it's just you'll go about it differently than smaller ones, and it's just the smaller ones would be easier to lather up on because you don't have your knot splaying out everywhere while you're trying to lather up! :laugh:
I had a chubby 3 in super. Way, way way too much brush, for me. You could lather up in a salad bowl with that thing.

My opinion is 22-24mm knots are all that i need.
I have a SR 3824 and I think that is a large brush. I personally wouldn't get anything bigger that a 24mm.
Well...I used a 20mm knot for years...then discovered this forum and went on a 22mm 2-band binge and tried all of simpsons currently produced 2-band supers...tulip, persian jar, chubby, colonel and emperor. I was convinced this was the optimum size for me since I don't have a very large face...and my first attempt at a large brush...a Rooney heritage medium was quite a dissapointment...the big brush splayed everywhere and the lather was very hard to control.

Then I tried a chubby 2 and I had trouble putting it down. Tried a Plisson Size #12 and love it. Have a Tulip 3 on it's way to me. In short, I'm seriously dicing with the idea of letting go of all my 2-band 22mm knots in favour of the larger brushes...they're really in a league of their own...it's hard to describe really...I'm slowly moving over to the 'dark' side of brushes...
I think the CH3 has to be the perfect brush IMHO.
I only use it for face lathering however. Would not recommend trying to lather in a bowl with this guy.

I'm really enjoying the 28mm CH2 Super...if you soak it in warm/hot water prior to your shower...it retains the heat very well through 3-4 passes at least!!! I wouldn't even try using a bowl...it works perfectly for face lathering and keeps releasing the lather! The only downside is that it does waste lather and needs more product to get going but seriously...with the amount of soaps and creams that I seem to have suddenly acquired over the past year or so...I NEED to use more product before the wife throws me out or I'm forced to build a washroom in our basement....

The heat retention is one of the biggest difference for me between the smaller knots and the larger brushes. The density of the Chubbies plays a big role in heat retention as well.
I'm really enjoying the 28mm CH2 Super...if you soak it in warm/hot water prior to your shower...it retains the heat very well through 3-4 passes at least!!! I wouldn't even try using a bowl...it works perfectly for face lathering and keeps releasing the lather! The only downside is that it does waste lather and needs more product to get going but seriously...with the amount of soaps and creams that I seem to have suddenly acquired over the past year or so...I NEED to use more product before the wife throws me out or I'm forced to build a washroom in our basement....

The heat retention is one of the biggest difference for me between the smaller knots and the larger brushes. The density of the Chubbies plays a big role in heat retention as well.

Agreed. Heat retention has to be the best part about a large brush. Forget the scuttles and put your money into a big bore brush.
Agreed. The feeling of having a big, warm brush on your face just plain needs to be experienced by everyone...it's MY main reason for trying larger brushes...
An update on my idea of using a large brush.

I went ahead and ordered a Rooney 3/3 in super. When it arrived I thought it was absolutely beautiful but just too big for my liking. The handle shape really impressed me and I decided to return it and get the 3/1 in exchange. I've been using that one since and it has been a fantastic brush. I would describe it as half way between soft and firm - I can use it for both soap and cream. It's a very good brush.

But I still had the urge for a large brush so I decided to start looking again. I ended up going for the Simpson's Emperor 3 in two band super. I had a great shopping experience with Phil at Bullgoose a few weeks ago so was happy to order from the shop again, this evening.

I'm looking forward to this one. I'm not sure what she'll be like so I could use any info or reports of use? What I am hoping for a slightly softer version of the two-band Chubby as the Emperor has a taller loft but I could be wrong - even if the knot characteristics are similar to the Chubby, I'll be happy enough once it is broken in and I know that the handle shape will be suitable for me as I like having my thumb resting flat and it looks the ideal shape.

I picked this Rubberset 200-4 up at a flea market for $1. Out of the 8 vintage brushes I now have this one is far and away my favorite for both soaps and creams. Original knot still in great shape.

Here's a picture from a recent SOTD just to see how big it is. I love this brush.

I have a 28mm PCWoodcraft brush and I love it. It was $80 shipped and Pat will do any number of custom materials for the handle. I picked out Ebony Gabon, and its truly stunning. Its 90% black with just a hint of brown wood detectable in it. The pictures do it no justice. It gets more use than my Shavemac D01!
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