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Laquer Label on High End Rooney?

Okay so as you all know...Ive posted about 8 times today..I recieved my Rooney in Finest today. Well I also have a B&BE, which I love, but the label is coming off! EEK! I don't want this to happen to my $200+ brush. I have seen people post here and there about preserving the Label. I am wondering what the best way to accomplish this would be. Please post pics if you have them! Thanks!
I can't help you with the advice you seek.

But IMO possesions are to be used and enjoyed not obsessed over, if the label falls off it doesn't make it any less of a fine brush. In fact it shows that you like it so much you are willing to use it instead of revere it and leave it on the shelf.

Just my 2 cents..
I have heard people suggest clear nail polish
I can't help you with the advice you seek.

But IMO possesions are to be used and enjoyed not obsessed over, if the label falls off it doesn't make it any less of a fine brush. In fact it shows that you like it so much you are willing to use it instead of revere it and leave it on the shelf.

Just my 2 cents..
I have heard people suggest clear nail polish

I have heard of that with Simpsons on TSD.
The lettering does come off after regular (a year or more) use but this is the first time i am hearing about it happening to a new brush. I think a coating of clear nail polish is the way to go. When you do apply the polish, just do a single swipe.
The lettering does come off after regular (a year or more) use but this is the first time i am hearing about it happening to a new brush. I think a coating of clear nail polish is the way to go. When you do apply the polish, just do a single swipe.

Oh its not coming off yet..only used it once. I just had this happen to my BBE after about a month and am trying to PREVENT it from happening to my Rooney.
Thanks! I will try this out!
I like to keep my gear in top condition as much as the you, but I've read the nail polish fix may yellow overtime- another cosmetic issue altogether. The only thing I do is avoid rubbing the handle and creating friction. After cleaning, I just press the towel around it to blot any remaining moisture. I suppose exposure to excessive lather will also contribute to wear, but my lathers generally stay put on the north end of the brush.

Good luck and most of all, enjoy the beautiful brush!
Oh its not coming off yet..only used it once. I just had this happen to my BBE after about a month and am trying to PREVENT it from happening to my Rooney.
Thanks! I will try this out!

I've had my BBE for amost 9 months, and use it fairly regularly. There is no sign of wear on the label, which appears to be silk-screened on, not applied. How is it that yours is worn off after only a month? :confused1 Do you have photos?
But IMO possesions are to be used and enjoyed not obsessed over, if the label falls off it doesn't make it any less of a fine brush. In fact it shows that you like it so much you are willing to use it instead of revere it and leave it on the shelf.

Wow! Awesome Zen post. Whenever my OCD kicks in, or when I see others obsessing over minutiae, I'll think of this.
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