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Lapping Flattening DMT 1200 With Sandpaper

I want to get DMT 1200 for bevel setting. Can i use sandpaper for lapping my DMT 1200 or i have to get DMT 325 too? Can sandpaper wear diamond? Should i get stone holder too for DMT?

Thanks for help.
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No need to lap a DMT.

A rubber block will help, or the DMT plate holder, or a 2x4 with a wet towel.
Whatever works... works. There are no rules.
Whoa there buddy. DMT's are flat as-sold and remain that way...inherent in what they are. Think "flat-trued plate, sprinkled with diamond dust"
FWIW, I have flattened Shapton and Norton stones with my DMT 600. Haven't noticed any issues. Wonder if I should be concerned.
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FWIW, I have flattened Shapton and Norton stones with my DMT 600. Haven't noticed any issues. Wonder if I should be concerned.

600 will be okay. The 1200, the diamonds will pop off.
I used my 1200 to try and smooth my C-Nat. It ended up putting heavier scratches in it than the 325 did, and I ended up with a 1200 that had ZERO feedback on a blade through the entire center section... only felt anything at the ends.
Whoa there buddy. DMT's are flat as-sold and remain that way...

Postmen enjoy a challenge.


Luckily it was just the box.
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