I have read a lot about lapping water stones, coticules, Arkansas stones, but I have not read anything about lapping old barber's stones. Any recommended procedures for doing this?--i.e., for a barber's hone with surface scratches?
I can tell you about the time I tried to lap a 3 line Swaty on a DMT325. It put a totally ugly brown stain on the DMT.
After that incident, I went back to lapping the Swaty with the Carborundum 118S which was originally provided for that purpose.
welcome back Ian!Depends on the stone.
I did a number of swaty's on a 320 grit DMT. Takes awhile, but it gets done eventually. If I had a 220 or 120 I'd have used those instead and then just polished their markings out with the 320 (or with some 400-800grit sandpaper on a pane of glass).
I also did a Frictionite 00 on a belt sander. It took a dozen Norton Silicon Carbide 4x24" belts and about four hours. I'm pretty sure frictionite 00's are a basic element and are in fact harder than diamond.
Here is the Swaty Instructions. They are a single grit hone with a sharpen and a finish side. It says you can use rough emory or a flat pumice stone and plenty of water.
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