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La Toya Splash

La Toya AS Splash

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Working up to that free shipping mark in my cart at WCS and I've got my eye on a bottle of La Toya. I dug several pages back in the forum and couldn't find much on this AS. Anybody have an opinion on it? How does it compare to other AS that you like? Currently my favorite splash is Spieck and has been a long time and would love something that treats my face as well as it does too.

Just to be sure, this is what I was looking at:

EDIT: Added a poll for fun. Please include your thoughts as well so I know why you would or wouldn't reccomend it. It would be really helpful.
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Like you, my favorite AS is Speick. I also have la Toja, which smells more cologne-like (which is fine), but definitely isn't as healing or,protective. I see Speick AS is the DOTD at WCS, so I'd just get a few more bottles of it to get to the free shipping mark. Don't forget to add one of the $1 blade banks- which has lasted me well over a year and a half.

I read this and thought "La Toya Jackson? She markets an aftershave?!?!" :lol:

I have a stick of La Toja and it smells nice and masculine. Perhaps a little bit of powder but nothing too crazy.

Can you spend a little more coin and go for DR Harris Sandalwood (or any of the other AS splashes)?
Like you, my favorite AS is Speick. I also have la Toja, which smells more cologne-like (which is fine), but definitely isn't as healing or,protective. I see Speick AS is the DOTD at WCS, so I'd just get a few more bottles of it to get to the free shipping mark. Don't forget to add one of the $1 blade banks- which has lasted me well over a year and a half.

Thanks for that Kooze. Spieck is in the cart already as my bottle will be empty soon. Even if I don't order today I'll still be buying a bottle.
I read this and thought "La Toya Jackson? She markets an aftershave?!?!" :lol:

I have a stick of La Toja and it smells nice and masculine. Perhaps a little bit of powder but nothing too crazy.

Can you spend a little more coin and go for DR Harris Sandalwood (or any of the other AS splashes)?
Yah I could. Can't do Sandlewood unfortunately, my skin don't like it even though my nose loves it. What do you have in mind? I have the following in my den: Windsor splash, Proraso splash, Spieck splash, CCBR, Proraso blue balm, RR King Louis wax and QCS Vostok ASB. I prefer splashes to balms and I like AS that does great stuff to my skin.
Yah I could. Can't do Sandlewood unfortunately, my skin don't like it even though my nose loves it. What do you have in mind? I have the following in my den: Windsor splash, Proraso splash, Spieck splash, CCBR, Proraso blue balm, RR King Louis wax and QCS Vostok ASB. I prefer splashes to balms and I like AS that does great stuff to my skin.

That's a good question. Any particular scent profile you're looking for? You have lavender, Italian (Proraso splash - is that powder?) and bay rum well-covered.

I'd like to hear your thoughts about the Proraso Blue balm at some point.
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That's a good question. Any particular scent profile you're looking for? You have lavender, Italian powder and bay rum well-covered.

I'd like to hear your thoughts about the Proraso Blue balm at some point.
Umm... I don't know. I like the Spieck and Windsor A LOT. I'm gonna pickup some CC Lime with the order. I'm not too sure really though. Like that Spieck though. Guess I'm fairly open, I just want something that performs really well and isn't sticky. I hate sticky.

Proraso Blue is decent. Probably not the best person to ask as I jut don't use it too much. I'll probably use it more as it gets colder and then I'll probably like it again as it seems to happen. I'll use it tonight and let you know.
Umm... I don't know. I like the Spieck and Windsor A LOT. I'm gonna pickup some CC Lime with the order. I'm not too sure really though. Like that Spieck though. Guess I'm fairly open, I just want something that performs really well and isn't sticky. I hate sticky.

Proraso Blue is decent. Probably not the best person to ask as I jut don't use it too much. I'll probably use it more as it gets colder and then I'll probably like it again as it seems to happen. I'll use it tonight and let you know.

Floid Blue. You may want to get more feedback on stickiness first, but it's legit. Menthol might be a bit much for the winter though.
Floid Blue. You may want to get more feedback on stickiness first, but it's legit. Menthol might be a bit much for the winter though.

Self-quoting (I know :001_rolle), but if Floid is risky I would recommend Myrsol Agua Balsamica. You'll smell like a rosemary bush but it is an excellent performer. No stickiness. It also has a bit of herbal lavender to it as well. Price range is the same as DR Harris.

I can't speak about their other formulations though. I hear plenty of good things about the others but the rest of them have menthol. Myrsol Metilsol is apparently a lot like Speick.
Love Speick and also a fan of La Toja but they are nothing a like fragrarance wise . Its definately not sticky though.
Self-quoting (I know :001_rolle), but if Floid is risky I would recommend Myrsol Agua Balsamica. You'll smell like a rosemary bush but it is an excellent performer. No stickiness. It also has a bit of herbal lavender to it as well. Price range is the same as DR Harris.

I can't speak about their other formulations though. I hear plenty of good things about the others but the rest of them have menthol. Myrsol Metilsol is apparently a lot like Speick.
I was figuring, and maybe kinda hoping, someone might mention Myrsol. I think that's going in the order too. Probably Agua Balsamica.
I found Myrsol AB to be one of the only AS's I didn't like, I even tried adding things to it to make it smell better to no avail. On the other hand Myrsol Blue is delish but similar to floid blue in fragrance and very nice on the skin. YMMV of course.
Having many splashes, including all of the La Toja aftershaves, both splashes and balms, my opinion is that I will not be getting a replacement of the regular La Toja splash when my bottle is gone. The performance is fine, but for me, the scent is below par. The La Toja Manantiales splash is better IMO, although still not as good as many others out there to choose from. La Toja aftershaves have a "mineraly" scent..... which isn't an altogther bad thing, but it is distinctive and not always what I'm in the mood to use. The regular La Toja splash is similar to Musgo Real but not as heavy and with a below average scent...... that's about the best way I can describe it. I definitely like the Floids and Myrsol products better for a Spanish AS.

La Toja shave soap stick and shave cream on the other hand is a different story. Those are spectacular.

Have you tried Musgo? That stuff will do wonders to your face, even a bit more than Speick.
Yah I have. Seemed to go on just a bit sticky but that faded very fast. I just don't love the scent and it was a bit strong. Traded it away for some great soaps.
Well, I think I will just buy it and decide for myself. Anyone from the "Buy" vote care weigh in on what they like about it? Also, does it smell like the stick?
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