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Krone Pens


B&B Tease-in-Residence
So I have to ask if any of you own or have written with a Krone fountain pen. I have been looking at the Harry Houdini Krone for some time, but im just not too sure about the brand.
This won't help you much, but I have a Krone Cosmos Pluto rollerball. It's a gorgeous and very well made pen with sterling silver trim. If I hadn't found it for such a great price, I never would have bought it. That's the one nice rollerball I own. I'm sure they make excellent fountain pens, but they always seemed overpriced to me. I've looked at some Krone fountain pens but never bought one, to put it another way.

The Krone aesthetic tend to the 'extroverted' end of the spectrum, and are not to everyone's taste. If you think you may tired of the design, or will want to trade or sell, proceed carefully.
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