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kope luwak?



Steer clear. It's all hype and marketing. Most of what's sold under the banner of kopi luwak isn't, and even the "real deal" is nothing special.
I had to look it up as I've never heard of it.

It is eaten then gets pooped out. That is enough to keep me away:thumbdown
Well I happened to inadvertently see an email confirmation on my wife’s computer that I think was a receipt for a purchase of this stuff.
We had laughed about it a couple months ago when we heard what it was. I have a birthday coming up so I’m thinking that’s what it’s for. If she gets it for me I’ve gotta drink it, so I was just wondering what peoples thought on it were.
It will taste about like your average coffee from Sumatra, more or less. Expect earthy notes (bordering on mossy), no acidity, moderate to heavy body - depending on roast, anyway.

If you find that you like it, or that it's at least in the neighborhood, a much cheaper and much better alternative would be something like Counter Culture's Mokha-Java blend.
The problem with Civet coffee is how it gets produced. I believe there are three general kinds:

  1. Random droppings gathered off the land from free roaming civets. I believe this is quite rare and led to the $30+ cup of coffee, creating an extra buzz about it. But it is hard to find this original version.
  2. Droppings collected from caged civets. Where the animals are kept in small cages and feed coffee cherries, so that their droppings can be easily collected as they fall through the bottom of the wire cage. This is what gives most people pause and concern about drinking the coffee. It is the most common means of production AFAIK.
  3. A chemically or synthetically treated version, where the coffee is treated in a way that simulates it going through the animal's digestive track. A company in Vietnam does this, maybe others as well. No harm in drinking this version, but it may be hard to verify.
  4. Coffee beans reported to be Civet ingested but really something else. For the dishonest vendor to profit off the novelty factor and being able to charge more.
Someone once commented that they suspected that much of the real version's taste appeal was not that it went through the digest track of a Civet, but from the Civet's ability to pick cherries at their ideal stage of ripeness. Given so much coffee on the plantation it is free to consume the best and leave the rest behind. That is an interesting observation, after seeing pictures of the caged civets being feed a bowl of coffee cherries in various stages of ripeness, it does make one consider that possibility.
looks like my suspicions were right

...1. Random droppings gathered off the land from free roaming civets. I believe this is quite rare and led to the $30+ cup of coffee, creating an extra buzz about it. But it is hard to find this original version...
supposedly this is what I got.

reviews to follow

The problem with Civet coffee is how it gets produced. I believe there are three general kinds:

  1. Random droppings gathered off the land from free roaming civets. I believe this is quite rare and led to the $30+ cup of coffee, creating an extra buzz about it. But it is hard to find this original version.
  2. Droppings collected from caged civets. Where the animals are kept in small cages and feed coffee cherries, so that their droppings can be easily collected as they fall through the bottom of the wire cage. This is what gives most people pause and concern about drinking the coffee. It is the most common means of production AFAIK.
  3. A chemically or synthetically treated version, where the coffee is treated in a way that simulates it going through the animal's digestive track. A company in Vietnam does this, maybe others as well. No harm in drinking this version, but it may be hard to verify.
  4. Coffee beans reported to be Civet ingested but really something else. For the dishonest vendor to profit off the novelty factor and being able to charge more.
Someone once commented that they suspected that much of the real version's taste appeal was not that it went through the digest track of a Civet, but from the Civet's ability to pick cherries at their ideal stage of ripeness. Given so much coffee on the plantation it is free to consume the best and leave the rest behind. That is an interesting observation, after seeing pictures of the caged civets being feed a bowl of coffee cherries in various stages of ripeness, it does make one consider that possibility.

Or my favorite kind:

5. Coffee that is pretty much guaranteed not to have been digested or pooped in any form or simulation. This variety is most often found by the healthy price discounts. :thumbup:
well....I tried it over the weekend...I certainly would not suggest that anyone spend what this stuff cost, however it was pretty damn good.
DISCLAIMER: though I have been drinking coffee for about 14 years now, I am by no means a connoisseur. just a dude that likes coffee.
I've had it. Great coffee, none of the bitterness associated with most cups of drip coffee, but not worth the cost. Only if you were in the country of its production and getting it at a deal would I suggest buying. If you're looking for a great cup of coffee without breaking the bank I would suggest looking in to getting a vacuum pot coffee brewer.

If I were to receive it as a gift though I would be pretty excited. Glad you enjoyed it!


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
The closest I had was some Brazilain Jacu bird poop coffee home roasted by Scotto. I had a cup and drove my car into a building. (True story.)
So the birds have found a way to raise their game, no longer content to just poop all over your windshield, they now cause crashing into buildings.

But maybe this bird coffee was so good, one couldn't wait to go back and get more...
I've tried it in the past a couple times along and also the Jacu Bird coffee. Neither is worth the hype or cost. Even picked up a pound of Jacu Bird to roast myself and still didn't get anything interesting. Fun to talk about though!
The closest I had was some Brazilain Jacu bird poop coffee home roasted by Scotto. I had a cup and drove my car into a building. (True story.)

Did you deliberately drive into the building or you didn't see the building? There is a subtle but important difference.

Many of us (myself included) have tried this coffee for its novelty, but if this article is even partially accurate it should give one pause before buying a pound or so - Civet poop coffee may be threatening wild species
..this burgeoning kopi luwak industry is creating "civet farms," whereby civets are stolen from the wild and kept in cages to eat and expel coffee beans..... Do people drinking this coffee know what a civet is? Do they know that animals are being taken from the wild for their cup of coffee?...
Yup, no faux gras, milk fed veal, shark fins or, poo coffee for me. Eeesh! Poo coffee! :scared:
Those of you who have tried it are better men than I'll ever be!!
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