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Klar's Kabinett

Just wondering if anyone here has tried Klar's Kabinett? It sells for about $17 on WCS for 1/2 kilo, so it sounds like a good deal if it's a good soap.
Do a search for Kabinett in the soap section, and you will find much discussion. In answer to your question, yes, I have it, and think it is a very good soap.
Thanks John. I even found one that I had replied to. I guess I reply to so many posts that sometimes I forget which one's I've seen. That's kind of embarrassing.
It is one of the best. I put some in a bowl then created a shave stick for when I travel. Everyone should give it a try as I consider it one of the Super Shave Soaps.
Yes its very good, I find the scent a bit to strong. After lathering it up the scent is manageable.

It's definitely one of the best values for your money though, its 2x 250g bricks for $17
Thanks for the feedback. I do prefer a strong scent and a good value, so it looks like I will be adding this one to my list.
I just got some, I dont find the scent very strong but it's great. It doesn't fade away like other soaps; it keeps coming back and I can smell it on my skin after i've cleaned up. It probably my #1 soap - to the point where I dont want to use it often because I don't want to finish it!
Good Morning Chris
KK is easily my top soap. I get tons of rich creamy lather with a slight rose/citrus smell. Someone described the lather as yogurt like. This is an accurate description. It is slick and my skin feels great post shave. I purchased mine in January and hardly have made a dent. I find it whips up better with my SOC boar brush better then my dukes.
Go for it
Indeed a great performing soap and in my case the scent does not linger on my skin after the shave. So another YMMV thing.
Great soap, great value, great rose scent. Easy to work with. I cut it with a knife like a piece of cheese into slices and smoosh them into an IKEA grundtel container. WCS has one of the best prices on it I've seen and they just started carrying it a few weeks ago.

Not that I need yet another soap in my rapidly expanding collection, but I think you gentlemen have sold me on Klar's. $17 for 500 kg of an amazing soap is a great deal.
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