First, shave with klar soap, wow this stuff lathers like a cream and cushions like a soap. Im really impressed how this stuff lathered, if it's still on sale it's worth it guys
I don't have any of the klar tins, but the Kab lathers like a beast. The only thing I could think of is that it's a bit hard/waxy, so I could see some brushes having loading problems, but I've heard the stuff in the tins is much softer and less waxy, so I'm stumped.
I should have added that the issues I'm having are that the lather looks dry, tons of tiny little bubbles. I add water till its not so dry but then I have 0 slickness. I was able to get a halfway decent shave but it's not one I'd like to repeat. No bloodshed just tuggy as the lather offered no slip
Don't be afraid to go back to the puck if you feel the lather getting thin.
If you start out with too much water in the brush, you won't get as much soap into the brush, resulting in a lather that is very thin and bubbly. While it will be very wet, you'll find that it has no body or slickness to it. The only way to combat a bad, overly wet start like that is to load like crazy to try and balance it out by going back to the puck.
Bubbles are the enemy! Kill the bubbles with more soap and slow shots of water.
+1 I start out with a fairly dry brush, get some soap on the brush and coat my face while I load the brush well. When I face lather the soap should be needing water, I dip the brush and work the lather on my face adding water as needed. I get nice thick lather most of the time
Fairly dry meaning how dry?
I take it you dont soak it at all; rinse under water a few seconds?