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kinda ashamed to put this up on here.

Hello everyone.

Just joined this place a few days ago. Wanted to share the start and actually the present of my straight razor journey with you guys. Hope i dont embarass anyone with these pics, its just that we dont have many straights sold in India :(. Please have a look and gimme your inputs.

Its not much, but its what i have started out on this journey with, due to lack of funds and a major dearth of like minded people in my nation :cursing:



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Welcome! Nothing to be ashamed of there. The largest ocean started with one drop of water. :001_smile

As far as your tools you have the basics and unlike the more age-old straight razor you don't need a hone and strop to keep shaving. Its definitely a good starting point and I would have been happy to start with what you have. I think the next step on a low budget would be a good used vintage straight or a new Gold Dollar that has been honed for you and a strop. It looks like your missing the soap or cream but maybe its just not in the pic. Happy shaving!
Hi Scott,

The thing is everyone here uses a Dovo or a Theirs Issard, so i feel so hopeless inadequate compared to everyone in that context. Most of the times i use a Palmolive shaving cream or an indian cream called Godrej, but i managed to find a stockist for Truefitt and Hill in India. Bought a bowl of Grafton from him. Cost me a bomb though.

Hi Scott,

The thing is everyone here uses a Dovo or a Theirs Issard, so i feel so hopeless inadequate compared to everyone in that context. Most of the times i use a Palmolive shaving cream or an indian cream called Godrej, but i managed to find a stockist for Truefitt and Hill in India. Bought a bowl of Grafton from him. Cost me a bomb though.


Every one here... Hey now, them's fightin' words! I don't have a Dovo or a TI or Hart or Filamonica or custom or etc. just vintage stuff I've grabbed on eBay for less than 30 bucks or in antique stores or gold dollars. No shame. You're happy with the shave? Then that's great, I don't care how you get there. Welcome!
Welcome! I imagine there's a few gents here who wouldn't mind buying a few creams from where you are.............

You're happy with the shave? Then that's great, I don't care how you get there.

At the end of the day, this is all that matters. Not anyone else's opinion counts, just your own.
Hi Scott,

The thing is everyone here uses a Dovo or a Theirs Issard, so i feel so hopeless inadequate compared to everyone in that context. Most of the times i use a Palmolive shaving cream or an indian cream called Godrej, but i managed to find a stockist for Truefitt and Hill in India. Bought a bowl of Grafton from him. Cost me a bomb though.


Nothing to be ashamed of Nausheer. I use a Weck Sextoblade on a fairly regular basis. No shame whatsoever as no one is going to judge you here based on your gear. Welcome to the board!
A lot of folks here beg, borrow and threaten friends who are making a trip to india.
godrej/palmolive/colgate round/gillette blacks/ pens the pens!!/alum block
you are spoiled for choice!
make a trip to the old city parts of you town, since no one else cares for them, i am sure you will find some nice vintage straights, or hit up one of the street barbers they will hook you up with a modern straight and honing stone.
Hi Scott,

The thing is everyone here uses a Dovo or a Theirs Issard, so i feel so hopeless inadequate compared to everyone in that context. Most of the times i use a Palmolive shaving cream or an indian cream called Godrej, but i managed to find a stockist for Truefitt and Hill in India. Bought a bowl of Grafton from him. Cost me a bomb though.


I have used Godrej. It is ok but Mitchells Wool Fat seems to be the best performer for me as far as a clean shave. There are others like the scent more of or they seem to moisturize better but it gives me the best shave. If you shop around you may find what you cheap with free shipping sometimes so you don't have to be limited to the local stockist.

There are a lot of people on here that use a shavette like yours so don't worry about others.
No need to be ashamed. It's a fine setup. I have a few straight razors and several shavette style razors. Honestly I use the shavette style razors more often than my straights, mainly for the ease of use.

And you truly do have access to some of the best shaving cream and aftershave. Godrej cream is my favorite, especially the menthol mist. I wish it was more readily available in the US, I'm almost out.


I got moves like Jagger
I'd be happy if I was able to use a shavette-type straight. Tried a few times and they like to eat me up. Yet I use a Western straight and a kamisori without issue (mostly). Maybe someday I will revisit a shavette again as well.

The good news is that if you are able to use a shavette, you should have little trouble when you transition to "real" straights.
(note: just because the blade is disposable, doesn't mean it's not a real straight.)


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
A man with modest tools and good technique beats a guy with state of the art gear and a dearth of knowledge every time.

Welcome aboard!
A man with modest tools and good technique beats a guy with state of the art gear and a dearth of knowledge every time.

Welcome aboard!

Or as a friend of mine once said while shooting Clays:

"Beware the man with one gun. He knows how to use it."
The thing is everyone here uses a Dovo or a Theirs Issard,

If this was a pre-requisite, I was not informed.
Now if someone would like to sell me a 20 dollar Dovo or TI, I'm all ears!

I also shave with cheap vintage DEs and SEs. I'd put my 40s Superspeed up against a 200 dollar Joris any day of the week. Same with my 5 dollar Ever Ready 1912 against someone's Streamline (no wait, that's a bad example).
Absolutely no need to be ashamed of anything... Everyone starts in their own place and follows their own path. We're all in this together!
Thank you Krodor :)

I am happy with the shave, although i would love to use a real straight and see the difference.

This razor doesnt even compare to anything you guys would use, thats why the shame. I got it for Rs 60, which is like a dollar and 10 cents.

Thats how ridiculously cheap this is !!!!
Hello Loner16,

I agree everyone starts in their own place, but i somehow dont see me being able to afford a Dovo or a TI anytime in the near future. Somehow i feel that by not using a badger hair briush, Geo Trumper cream, multiple honing stones and strops, i am missing out on something that this amazing world of wet shaving has to offer :(
Thanks Vreddy2000,

I have tried multiple barber shops all over Mumbai(bombay) and havent been able to find a single person who still hones and strops. Everyone has moved on to shavettes these days, cheaper option and less investment.

I am considering getting a real SR from Whipped Dog :)

As far as the alum blocks and the other stuff is concerned, i suppose one always feels that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. I go ga-ga over stuff like The Art of Shaving products, proraso, mugso and stuff because we dont get them here. and you guys are crazy over things like godrej and palmolive :lol:

A lot of folks here beg, borrow and threaten friends who are making a trip to india.
godrej/palmolive/colgate round/gillette blacks/ pens the pens!!/alum block
you are spoiled for choice!
make a trip to the old city parts of you town, since no one else cares for them, i am sure you will find some nice vintage straights, or hit up one of the street barbers they will hook you up with a modern straight and honing stone.
I'd be happy if I was able to use a shavette-type straight. Tried a few times and they like to eat me up. Yet I use a Western straight and a kamisori without issue (mostly). Maybe someday I will revisit a shavette again as well.

The good news is that if you are able to use a shavette, you should have little trouble when you transition to "real" straights.
(note: just because the blade is disposable, doesn't mean it's not a real straight.)

Isnt the consensus generally that shavettes are for boys and the real straights for men ? Always thought so, infact i thought most straight razor users considered shavettes to be "wannabe"
Hello Loner16,

I agree everyone starts in their own place, but i somehow dont see me being able to afford a Dovo or a TI anytime in the near future. Somehow i feel that by not using a badger hair briush, Geo Trumper cream, multiple honing stones and strops, i am missing out on something that this amazing world of wet shaving has to offer :(

What do you want to strop the razor on?
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