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Kentucky " DERBY"

Just finished shaving, had to go back to some Derby blades i got in a sampler pack as I ran out of Feather blades and they have not arrived in the mail yet, and my face feels like a stampede of horses ( or other large creatures) just ran across my face. The razor burn is horrid:cursing:. I know why I never fully used up these things.

Has anyone had to ever go back to using an blade they feel is undesirable and had similar results?
Yup! I'm using Feathers and Astras and like them both but since I'm new I have been keeping the Derby's in my rotation. 5 shaves with Feathers, 5 shaves with Astra's and then see if the Derby's are any better as my technique improves. Last time I got through one pass with the Derby and had to switch blades mid shave. I don't know if I can try them any more. Some people love them but my face gets raw. I tried the Wilkinson's also - same thing. I want to keep trying different blades as everyone recommends but I'm growing weary of the carnage lol..
Has anyone had to ever go back to using an blade they feel is undesirable and had similar results?

Yeah. Every time I load a Walmart Wilkie I wonder why I haven't binned the whole pack. Instead, halfway through the shave, I'll load a fresh Astra. Lather, rinse, repeat a few months later.
Derby were horrible for me. Tried them over a year ago and think I will never go back to them! I use and like Feathers. As always YMMV
Yeah. Every time I load a Walmart Wilkie I wonder why I haven't binned the whole pack. Instead, halfway through the shave, I'll load a fresh Astra. Lather, rinse, repeat a few months later.

Same thing here. Wonder if there is a correlation = if your face likes Astra's it won't like Wilkie's :-0
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This morning I decided I would load a Sharp, as I am going through my sampler leftovers to clear out blades. Just did a cheek and binned the blade, loaded up an Astra Stainless and had a great shave. I know why there were four left in the box.
I do alright with Derbys, but find:

1- They wear out a couple of shaves earlier than others I've used.
2- They don't agree with me if I've got 2-day or so stubble.
My experience with Derby's wasn't that great IIRC either. I have been switching between Personnas and Feathers lately. The Feathers are sharper but don't last three times longer to justify the 75 cents or so that blade costs (Personnas are less than 20 cents each) and the quality of the shave is about the same. Astras in the green pack are also great blades, I will probably order some when I stock up on Arko but they aren't sold in Michigan and I won't pay $5 S&H just to get a pack of blades.
I ended up getting something like 200 supermax when I first started out.
I ditched 180 of them.
I tried a Derby and thought of them the same....... Junk
Feathers/Personna or straight
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