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Kent Luxury Soap

While bumbling along the internet yesterday I stumbled across Kent Luxury Shaving Soap; not the Kent MWF. Found that Royal Shave carries it, found that it is patchouli-based with a number of other fragrances, and found very little else. Started to do a search and ran into potential threads that ran for pages and pages, and I did not want to check them all - would take all day! Does anyone have any info on this soap and its reputation? Seems a bit on the expensive side; never heard of it so am curious.

So you want to start a thread because you are admittedly to lazy to read the research that you have already done? Yeah. . . no.

Sorry, don't mean to sound lazy. Type in "Kent" and one gets eighty zillion hits on Kent MFW; type in "luxury" and one gets slightly fewer; nothing on Kent Luxury. Really looking for someone who really has it.
I thought that Kent and MWF were supposed to be the same soap just different packaging. This seems to be what I have read, correct me if I'm wrong.
Kent lists 3 different variations of the soap. SB1, SB2, SB3. I do know that some are labeled differently, but otherwise I have no idea. I do know that the description in the link does NOT sound like MWF.
Kent lists 3 different variations of the soap. SB1, SB2, SB3. I do know that some are labeled differently, but otherwise I have no idea. I do know that the description in the link does NOT sound like MWF.

Shaving bowl and soap.
Beech wood shaving bowl containing a tablet of Kent’s luxury shaving soap.

Shaving soap/re-fill.
Kent’s luxury shaving soap refill bar

Shaving bowl and soap.
Dark oak wood shaving bowl containing a tablet of Kent’s luxury shaving soap.

There is only one Kent shaving soap, at this time. I have been wrong before so...
While bumbling along the internet yesterday I stumbled across Kent Luxury Shaving Soap; not the Kent MWF. Found that Royal Shave carries it, found that it is patchouli-based with a number of other fragrances, and found very little else. Started to do a search and ran into potential threads that ran for pages and pages, and I did not want to check them all - would take all day! Does anyone have any info on this soap and its reputation? Seems a bit on the expensive side; never heard of it so am curious.


Sitting on my desk are a puck of Kent luxury and MWF. There may be a slight difference in smell. The Kent definitely smells stronger, but as I just got the MWF out of the mailbox and it is just above freezing right now, that may also account for the differences. We'll let em thaw till daybreak then re-test.
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